Yandere Zach x Smart*ss Reader pt.1

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Yandere Zach x Smart*ss reader pt. 1

Requested by ApplePieLox

I've never written for Zach, but I guess I'll try, hope this comes out well! Lol, this was hard.

Smart*ss: someone who acts as if they know everything (according to google)


         You were what one may call, a know-it-all. Although you couldn't see it yourself, a lot of people used to tell you about your rather unpleasant attitude.
         Though to be honest, you really didn't mean to act as if you knew everything. You grew up in a wealthy family. Your parents had careers that required a lot of knowledge to acheive. They said that it was a family tradition and was the reason why you were so wealthy.
         Since you were their only child, they put a lot of pressure on you to do well at school and excel in your classes. However, you just didn't seem to have your parent's gift of intelligence. You were a pretty slow learner and it took you a while to understand even the simplest of concepts.

        As a result, you grew to develop a sort of two faced personality. All that know-it-all nonsense was just a mask you put on in order to try and get your parents off your back. All you really wanted was to have a normal childhood.

       You weren't aiming to top the country or get some nobel prize for your intelligence. Deep down, under that mask you put up, you were a sweet person. One who cared about others and did your best to help people.

       You didn't have a lot of friends at school since the children avoided you because you were,'a snob.' It really hurt you when they said those things but you acted as if you didn't care.

        But despite all that, you had one friend. One who stuck with you through thick and thin. One who didn't hate or avoid you because of your initial impression. That friend was Zach.

        "So, how was your day so far?" Zach asked you as you licked your ice-cream. You were hanging out with your bestie, normally, you would never be allowed to do such a thing, but since your parents went on a long, one-month, business trip, you were free to do as you pleased.

        "Great! Living life alone is fun to be honest!" "When you have the money..." "Hahahahaha!" You both heartily laughed off his little comment. Yea, you two were pals 4 life.

        Zach took another lick of his vanilla ice-cream before looking back at you. Ahh~ You were so pretty when you laughed~ But when were you not pretty?

        You had been Zach's childhood crush since he first met you. At first it was just a small crush, but now it was absolute 💞love💞

*Timeskip to the next day*

        Zach was searching for you on the school compound. He eventually saw you, standing in front of a group of students who sat by their table, making  remarks about their food and such.

       "You all should eat more vegetables,
not only fruits," "Stop chewing so loudly! People will get annoyed you know!" "Talking with your mouth full is not very good manners, did your mother never teach you any?"

        Zach couldn't care less about your comments though. What really set him off for some reason was the way their faces scrunched up with disgust as you spoke. How dare they look at you with such an expression?! It made his blood boil. He had a good mind to go up there and give them a good roast too but decided the more sensible thing was to just walk away from the situation.

       He walked up to you and pulled you away, shooting death glares at the pupils who shivered lightly. You two spent the rest of your day together and when school was over, he came over to your house to help you keep up with your studies before sitting down to watch a movie and chillax with you.

       While the movie was playing, he couldn't help but find himself staring at you more than the movie itself. You didn't notice since you were too into it. He found it strange since, yes, he had a crush on you, but why did he feel such an urge come over him? The urge to stare at you as if you were the most amazing person in the world. And he also wanted you to look back at him, and only him as well.

         Once the movie ended, you both said your farewells and he left. Over the course of the month, you two had the best times of your lives, until your parents arrived home.

        After they cane back, you kissed your after school hangouts with Zach goodbye. Now you were back to studying day and night. It was frustrating, you wanted to object, but you knew your parents would find some witty remark to turn it down.

        Meanwhile, Zach was furious.

       How could they just snatch you away from him like that? Lock you up and force you to do things just to keep some 'family tradition'?!

       His anger quickly converted into bloodlust.

       Now he wanted nothing more than to kill your stupid parents. Who cared if they owned multi-million dollar companies that were passed down to many of their previous generations? Your parents were the reason he couldn't see you and you couldn't see him! (Most of the time anyway)

       He grew to love your company. No. He became obsessed with it. Now he needs your presence around him. Without you, his sanity was slowly being chipped away, piece by piece.

       So he excused himself for a few days, saying he had some business to attend to. Ha! Lies! He was really stalking your parents, finding out all the info he could about them and plotting the perfect way to get rid of them.

       A week or so passed and finally Zach was ready to hatch his diabolical plan.

       Your parents had a day off today, so as soon as you left the residence, he skillfully maneuvered his way around the security cameras before getting to the back door of the house. Taking out the new lockpick he bought, he quietly unlocked the door and crept into the kitchen were your mom was busily washing the dishes.

        He pulled the knife he had sharpened just for this occassion and before she could even register what happened, Zach had stabbed her throat and continued to do so until he was sure she was dead.

        Your father had heard his wife making some curious noises in kitchen so he went to investigate. Wrong move. As soon as Zach saw him, he impaled the knife staight through his heart, then he left him to bleed out on the floor.

      'Finally' Zach thought as he wiped some sweat off his forehead, he got through the difficult part. Now all he had to do was wait for his beloved Y/N...

      I haven't updated in a while so that's why I decided to split this into two parts! Hope this wasn't too bad!

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