Sir Pentious xHuman!Female!Child!Reader (platonically)

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A/N this was requested by S203324 on Wattpad, Thank you for the suggestion, sorry if it's not very good, I am not all too familiar with this specific character, but I will try! Also sorry if it's short.

Third person POV

Sir Pentious paced around his layer well monologuing to the Egg Bois, when they heard someone crying, Sir Pentious turned and saw a young girl. The girl had H/L H/C hair and E/C eyes, she looked like she was about to ball. An Egg Boy waddled over to the girl, and she looked over at it, and hesitantly reached out, then bopped where his nose would be, it laughed, then hugged the girl.

Sir Pentious came over and said, "Whooo are you."

The girl looked up and said, "I'm Y/N, what's your name?"

"I am the Evil Sir Pentious"

"Nope" said Y/N.

"What do you mean" Sir Pentious asked confused.

"Your not evil" Y/N insisted.

"Yes I am!" Sir Pentious snapped back

"No" Y/N said.

"Yes" Sir Pentious said.

"Yes" Y/N said, starting to grin.

"No" Sir Pentious said.

"See, told you so" Y/N giggled.

"What, How did you do that!?!"

"I said yes when you said yes so you said no, it works in movies"

------Time Skip brought to you by Alastor meeting Ben Drown--------

Y/N was playing with the Egg Bois, well Sir Pentious paced around trying to figure out how the young girl tricked him, when all of a sudden Cherri Bomb blows up a wall in and said, "So this dump is your place?"

"What do you want you B- Bat" as Sir Pentious said that he glanced over at Y/N, cutting himself off from swearing.

Cherri looked over at where Y/N was playing with the Egg Boys, "oh, who is this little cutie! She's not yours is she?" then she walked over and poked Y/N's nose.

Sir Pentious, "Hey! Who ssaid you could go near her"

Y/N looked at Sir Pentious then at Cherri, and back at Sir Pentious. Then all of a sudden she said, "Go away pink lady, we're planning world domm-inat-ion" she stuttered slightly on the word 'domination'.

Cherri looked slightly taken aback but still thought it was cute, well Sir Pentious looked liked he was a proud father and the Egg Bois looked like equally proud sibling.

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