We're Off To See The Wizard

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(A/N: Sorry it's a bit late, I've been so sick for the last few days BUT I added a bunch of extra bits at the end so I hope this has been worth the wait! Enjoy and happy thanksgiving. I'm thankful for all of you! P.S. Think this type of pattern but  in multi-colors!)

Five years.

Harry and I have been together half a decade and he still manages to surprise me.

I don't think I'd want it any other way.

The only difference is, along the way, I became comfortable with planning surprises of my own for him as well.

This time we're both surprising the other with what we are dressing up as for Halloween, or Harryween as he coined this holiday over a year ago, and still, Harry is cool as a cucumber and I'm the one banging on his locked door.

"Harry, are you ready yet? You've made me wait for months! I at least want to see you before the rest of your fans do!" When I'm met with nothing but a snicker, I up the ante. "I'm the mother of your child, Harry! Let me see!"

I'm currently waiting outside of his dressing room door on one of the rare occasions that he's actually locked the door and is refusing to let me in.

I should have hidden in his bathroom or under his sofa or something utterly insane like that because locking me out in the name of a surprise is too predictable a move for Harry to make and I've been with him too long let him get away with it.

At this point though, I think I'm more disappointed with myself for not finding out yet.

Of course our son, he let in. In fact, they've all been in there for ages! 

"I know, Love. You will, but everything needs to be perfect first!"

"No it doesn't, it's just me! You don't have to be perfect!"

"Yes, we do," his enthusiasm sends chills up and down my spine. "You haven't shown me what you're wearing either, so there!"

Not. The. Same.

I don't argue but I'm still annoyed, it was my only comeback when he got back from his meeting with Lambert and the team at Gucci and refused to tell me what the idea was.

So we haven't seen each other in our costumes.

Harry made me wait, I had to be fine with that, but there is no way I was gonna let him get away with it without forming an offense of my own. It's skin-tight, I can barely breathe, I definitly can't bend over, but it will achieve what I need against Harry. 

We're so open and honest with one another and yet he still takes surprising me with his outfits so seriously. And to think Gemma once told me he was a shit liar.

Well, who's the liar!

Harry has always been the one to organize our Halloween costumes. For a man who has publically proclaimed the holiday as "not fun", he certainly has a weird way of showing it.

We've fully celebrated every year we have been able to do so and it's always costume. When he was a sparkly Elton John, I was decked out in an equally sparkly baseball.

When he wanted to be Noah, I was his Allie.

When he wanted to wear the wig and heels and personify Cher, I slapped the mustache and became Sonny.

And that doesn't even include the kid-friendly outfits he insisted on wearing when we would take Robin trick or treating.

I have always been on board with his costume plans. Always.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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