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Issac angrily typed on his £900 pc. someone just screenshotted the NFT that he brought. he wrote a thesis on how the blockchain works and how screenshotting it was a fool's decision as one could not sell the NFT on the site without the original code. Issac had always spent his life arguing with others online as he soon found out that in a world full of betas and omegas, it was hard for a sigma like him to slumber in peace. that is until, halfway through his tower of text, a message popped up like no other. it was the address of the idiot he was debating against. he has just been doxxed.

intrigued yet relieved, he quickly went to see who the angel sent from the heavens was. on top of the address was the username "xxxdaiysy_weebxxx" and next to that was a glittery profile pic of sailor moon with a blossom background. 

"A female" he gasped, he had never had a positive interaction with a female. at least all the 3d ones. 

He also noticed how the female was also a fellow weeb. Issac has always engulfed himself with anime, he especially related to light as they both were sigmas with hyper-intellect. However, he knew that this female was just a faker. he has talked to lots of females and not once has he seen one be able to name 20 animes. He opened up a new tab to check his dogecoin, his most treasured item- excluding his glitter lucky anime figure- Issac knew that the dogecoin was going to make him millions in the future, people often discouraged him, but he knew that they were just a load of beta cucks. 

However, out of the blue, a notification popped up. it was from that female. he opened the tab and suspiciously glared at the message. it read:

"Hello, uwu.  I'm sorry about those meanies! people were being so closed-minded and bitter that they didn't have the intelligence to understand owo."

Isaac blushed, but then remembered that he's encountered tons of 3d females and knew that she was just trying to pull tricks and trick men into giving her money. Issac had studied the females a few weeks ago and knew that they always come temporally. like horses in a stable, you have to rein them in to make sure that they don't run away. all women are the same.

he was fixed on the screen. thinking of a response. he was a master manipulator and read enough manga to know how to manipulate both the stock market and 3ds. his hands shaking. he typed

"oh, thanks"

he gave out an evil laugh, wiping the sweat off his forehead, taking a salt and vinegar crisp and eating it. normally an alpha would try and go on a date, but you see, Issac only has his eyes set on 2d women. he was completely removed from the pack we call "society" 

he was a true sigma.

a ping echoed across the dark basement. she replied:

uwu. aww, you're so cute. we should talk"

taken aback Issac closed the PC down. "who does she think I am... cute!?" Issac was an alpha/sigma. he couldn't believe that a female would use a beta compliment on him.

he sad in shock. he thought for a second, he knew exactly what to do.....


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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