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"If we do this there's no going back," Lorelai commented as they began to walk into the chamber. "So, if you're having any second thoughts, please-"

"Are you having any second thoughts, Lorelai?" I asked before she could finish what she was saying.

"No, not at all. . . just the idea of us finally doing what we set out to do, it just doesn't feel real, you know?" Lorelai said with a bit of excitement.

"I totally get what you're saying Lorelai," I stated reassuringly. "But we mustn't reminisce on that now. It's now or never."

After standing in silence for what felt like forever, we finally walked out into the light. We saw our chance and ran out to take it. This would be the moment that everything changed. Whatever thoughts of consequence and morals went out the window. Everything we had planned would finally come into action. This would be our statement to the world that we shall no longer be oppressed. Freedom shall be ours.

Imperfect PerfectionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum