Desire Phase

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Originally, you were an innocent girl. you were only fourteen when it happened. It was the day you watched those you loved slip away from your fingertips, as if they were water. and as a 19 year old you would forget. Honestly you thought speaking to professionals would help, but they wouldn't listen to you throughly, they would look at you as if your entire bloodline wasn't wiped out. you thought something was wrong with you, as if you deserved this treatment, or as if you should've died instead of your family.
You would believe all this till one fateful morning. It was your weekly routine. Every Sunday after the morning bells rang, you would spring out of bed and scramble your way out of your house, in desperate seeking for a professional to talk to about your past, you were starting to forget it every day, and needed the help as fast as possible. You eventually gave up going out in public streets, seeing how many people would shield their children from you as if you were a maniac. so you would eventually give in and go into trashy alleyways that would lead to old drunken men, who would catcall you, or try to land hands on you. but on this very sunday, you say a man who was different, his tall figure towers above you, long hair grazing against his tan skin as he turned to you with piercing red-golden eyes.
You felt a rush of relief looking at what seemed to be an angel in your eyes, as you started to feel your legs give out beneath you and your eyes start to feel heavy. what was this sensation? before you knew it you wouldn't be able to answer that question, as you drifted off into forgetful slumber.
"i think she's waking up." you heard a mans voice say. your eyes still felt heavy but you somehow managed to open them slightly. you saw four people towering over you. two men, two women. two with white hair and two with dark hair. was this like some twin party or some shit? you'd ask yourself. you saw the man who you had seen before. "Well now that she's awake, you can take care of her Noé." the dark haired man said walking out with the other two women. "Vanitas, you cant just leave me with her, what am i supposed to do." the man from the alley replied. you eventually put two and two together and realized his name was indeed, Noé. "I don't know, figure it out, you found her, she's your problem." the white haired woman replied, slamming the door behind the three.
There you were. next to a man who you had just met, having no idea where you were, who you were, or really anything about yourself. "do you have any clue who i am?" you asked him. "Is that supposed to be a threat or what?" he replied. "No i just genuinely have no idea who i am, so i was wondering if you knew." you had your head laid down on a sofa, with your head slightly propped up with a silk pillow. "No, i have no idea who you are, i could find out but you wouldn't be okay with the conditions." he said. you sat up slowly to look at the man who sat behind a desk across for you. "i want to find out, i know whatever it was that happened to me was horrible, especially for me to forget, please i will do anything." you looked at him with pleading eyes, begging. "Even if it's me sucking your blood?" he looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "What the hell?" you exclaimed while slowly pulling yourself away from him "Are you some cannibal?" after that remark he would laugh until tears would slightly form on his eyelashes. "Oh dear you're funny, i'm a vampire, it's kinda obvious." you stared at him with a blank face, you tried to read his emotions as he stared at you with those piercing red eyes. "I agree to the conditions." you finally sighed. "Didn't know you'd finally agree." he said while standing up from his desk and working his way towards you. You moved slightly to the side so he had room to sit next to you. as you slowly uncovered your neck. "I'm not sucking your neck, i see what type of woman you are, you'd enjoy it too much, now give me your hand." you stared at him. "what the hell do you mean by i'd enjoy it too much, what kind of woman do you think i am?"
He chuckled. "fine i'll do what you ask me to, but if you suddenly desire me, and i see that emotion, you asked for what comes next."

End of chapter 👹👹

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