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"Okay, so first thing you should know about skating is how to at least stand on it. Do you have any experience?" hyunjin asked me.


"like, any?"


"At least a little bit?"

"I haven't even standed on this skateboard once."

Hyunjin was done with me from that point forward.

"So how do you plan to-" he stopped himself mid-sentence. "Nevermind I guess."

"Alright. Try to stand on the skateboard."

I followed hyunjin's directions and stood up regularly on the skateboard. To my surprise, without falling.

"Good job!" he praised. "Now, if you want to get a basic flow starting, you just put a foot on the skateboard, and use the other one to move the skateboard. Then when you have it started, you put your foot back on the skateboard. Try it."

I tried putting one foot on the skateboard and another on the ground, but as soon as I started the skateboard went over a broken piece of glass as I tripped over the curb onto the grass trying to get off the skateboard.

Luckily it didn't hurt, but what did hurt was Hyunjin laughing at me like I was some clown at the circus.

"Shut up... " I mumbled half annoyed half joking.

"I'm sorry," he said still laughing. "Try it again."

This time, the skateboard slipped away and rolled down the hill. I ran down to get, only to see that someone already caught it.

This was short for a reason I swear

I'm going to make another part this chapter cuz I had another idea :)

bad skater// h.j & h.h.jWhere stories live. Discover now