Ch. 4 - Abble's revenge

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Abble p.o.v
Here I was,standing in front of all of these pups and furries...not behind those bars of the little shop. I was their leader now. And we are gonna crush the humans!
A few still looked uncertain,but most were yowling their approvals.

"We could sneak attack them...Or stand by both barriers so we can catch 'em by surprise.." I muttered plans. Fletcher came up to me. "Abble,your really gonna do this?" I turned to look at him. "Aren't you tired of this?"
He glanced down at the ground,not catching my eyes. "We should make peace....not war.."
"I'm tired of your war trash. If you don't wanna do this,don't. Go to the back rooms,where the Toxic Rabbits are. Or,go to the kitchen,where there's weird ice-cream cats. Or hide in some crystals,if that's what you want. They'll find you either way! You can never escape them...they just keep coming back!" Abble screamed at him. Fletcher had hurt in his eyes,then sprinted out of the room.
Sorry,Fletcher.....I must do this. No turning back now.

Abble got the furries and pups together,and some had bats and crowbars in their jaws. I looked over the crowd.
Tokyo was there.....Axel was there.....Dusty,minty,Ugh..Sniper was Fletcher.
Abble sighed. "Move out!" She instructed. The gootraxians slowly crawled out of the room and towards the flooded area.
We slowly attacked humans on the way towards the barrier.
Once we reached the barrier,I instructed a few to go around to the other barrier,through the storage room. Humans began to come out,then immigrants scream as they saw us.
We attacked again and again,getting rid of humans. But they always came back.
Can we win this? No humans?
Abble bit many humans,and tripped a lot of them too. Axel was grabbing them and tossing them into crystals or slime puddles. Tokyo was doing the same,but much more violently. Dusty and Minty were working together to try and drag humans into puddles,successfully,actually. We were getting the hang of this. We were beating them! Slowly,Humans stopped spawning. Us gootraxians were alone.
The sign said,'GOOTRAXIAN - 67, HUMANS - 0
We all cheered and began to hug each other.
Suddenly the ground began to shake. A large human spawned and walked through the barrier he looked at us wi5 a stern look. "You shouldn't be out,Abble..."



"SCRAM! IT'S THE DEVELOPER!" Someone screamed.
Abble tried to run,but The Developer grabbed me and put me back in the shop.

Are you kidding me????

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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