arc 1.4

13 2 0

Zach was about to leave when he keenly heard the sound of water splashing on the floor due to his curiosity he looked back only to see harith's head that was lowered and the rain of tears he was shedding

Zach remained unmoved even after witnessing this scene

Zach was someone who wouldn't make a move on people that wasnt the mission target ..with the excemption that him talking to someone would afect the favorability value of his task or if the person was part of his plan

Although the second prince was someone who definitely might be sought after by most people and could surely bring benefits to many noble 

But zach was unlike them although he is a noble in this world momentarily riches is not what he wants he has experienced wealth over and over and if he is honest its 100% needed in every world however he has no interest in using the crown prince in this aspect as he had more than enough money and his position is also not that small

Plus adding to the fact that zach's reputation was equal if not then much more dazzling than the second prince

the second prince was someone who couldn't help him with his mission zach imagined various scenarios and truly there is no Role that specifically needs the second prince for

Not to mention Harith was too.. high profiled using him can bring lots of trouble

Zach contemplated in under 3 seconds and confirmed there really is nothing he can use harith as so he turned away mercilessly showing his back to the crying prince

He wasted five minutes talking to the second prince he needed to hurry and go to the direction of where the sound was coming from

his curiosity was killing him

At this very moment the second prince reached out his hands and grabbed zach' sleeves

"Im sorry ..please dont leave"
Harith said slowly as his voice shook and the sound of sniffles accompanied his voice

Zach furrowed his brows as he directly grabbed harith's hands and shook them away from his arm not even looking back through the whole process as he followed where the sound was coming from

Harith was shocked... Petrified and empty as he stood there his hand still mid air

He slowly clenched his hands and squeezed a few silent tears

'its my fault i made him hate me i deserved this' he then fell into the pool of endless self loathing

While harith was miserably crying zach had already reached the source of the piano sound

At the abandoned building music room the old piano was being played by a pair of gentle and soft hands

The owner of this pair of hands had a good-looking face matching that of his hands

'is this my mission target?'
Zach made a bold guess and asked the system

Unexpectedly the system said


After giving a short answer the system was silent again

Zach smiled it seemed the system wouldn't make things hard for himself

With a smile zach opened the door of the music room ..

The sound of the old door creaking alarmed the man playing the piano ..

The man who sat in a stool near the paino had phoenix eyes and thin small nose his facial structure was cute and almond like with a little mole under his chin

'see? The system wouldn't make him chase someone un-attractive' satisfied with his face zach then kneeled infront of the stool as he adjusted the emotion's in his eyes

Louise's P.O.V

It was like any normal days ..i was just a lowly baron's son not to mention my family is in huge debt so were basically an empty title

After getting ridiculed from my classmates i came here to relieve stress only by playing the piano can i sometimes feel peace

He played the abandoned piano here everytime he couldn't face his problems or he bottled up too much and wanted to vent

Just as he was in the middle of playing the piano the door creaked startling him

I looked over and found out it was... Zach charles?-!

Of course you may ask how he knows and relate to this man?

The answer is none- they are too far behind in league's he knows zach for sure but zach probably doesnt know him

Zach charles was very popular as he was 1st not only in his whole grade but the entire school

Be it on any subject ever since he came he had taken the first place on everything making him a legend in everyone's mind

The teacher even uses him as the role model on freshman's

Due to this zach charles have gained a lot of admirers and earned himself the top #1 gossip that everyone wants to hear about

Adding to that.. only a year ago a feud between zach charles and the arrogant second prince harith started

sparkling a rivalry between the two  thus making his name known to not just this school but also to other kingdom's

But of course the legends doesnt end there two months ago the prince and princess of the neighboring kingdom actually professed their love to zach

This caused an uproar in the whole kingdom! Many people felt unwilling to hand zach to the other kingdom
That was the extent of the story he heard

He doesnt know what happened after that...

But what louis admires the most is how zach started ruling a fief under his name not only managing it well but also flourishing it! at the tender age of 11 he earned money and was self reliant..

Heavens were truly unfair ...

Now back to the current scene ..

What was such a high and mighty creature like him doing in an abandoned building?

Louis still felt confused and dazed until the man kneeled before him

'what!? What is he doing?'
Louis panicked inside


Slowly zach lifted his head up as his eyes contained strong emotions of infatuation ...

'..ahh?' louis was dumbstruck by this stare that he even forgot to blink ..

"I have fallen inlove with you at first sight" zach said amidst louis' bewildered gaze

👀 Anyway sorry for my mispelled words and bad grammar i ain't english mayteeeeeeeeeeee

Love: lissy_chan

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