Life before The School for good and evil ( princess )

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Snow White :
I was living a happily ever after, I heard about the school for good and evil and knew I was getting into the school for good. But I was just stuck in my castle chambers waiting to get an acceptance letter. My dad had gotten in and so had my mom they were famous there and soon it'll be my time to shine.

According to Disney most princes and princess was kidnapped at a young age but that's not true ; I the storian will tell the true events.

Rapunzel :
The kingdom of Corona was an amazing place but I didn't get to go out of the castle much and if I did they would be many guards following, but that would change soon. Once I get my letter to the school for good it'd be free as a girl with a new hairdo( I'm of course not cutting my hair but you get the point ).

Being a normal girl is tough and unfair, I'm not getting a letter from the school of good, since I'm not royalty but a girl can dream. I was dressed up as a princess in my room pretending as if I got a letter when my dad came into my room with a very pretty new dress!

Belle :
The school for good and evil, I heard about it in many of my books where fairytale villains and hero's used to go and learn all about good and evil.If I were to get into the school I would make a very long report on why I should study both good and evil, but I'm just a village girl *sigh*.

Ariel :
"Breakfast time" a maid called from the hallway. "Ahh~" I feel so fresh under the sea a new day. I can't wait to get my acceptance letter from the school for good and evil I also cannot wait to discover new things above the sea.

Mulan & Pocahontas :
A school for good and evil hah I do not believe in such rubbish. I don't read fairytales as they are not real a princess kissing a princess to save the day only fools would believe that.

Tiana :
"La di ti di dum" I sang as I served customers from my family restaurant. Even though I'm only 13, I help my mom with the restaurant . I love making people happy with food.

Merida :
"Ugh mom I don't want to wear a dress at-least not one that's tight I can't even move", I said at the breakfast table. My dad laughed will my mom gave me a long lesson of why I have to. I wasn't listening of course, I was looking at my bow and arrows near the staircase.

Moana : I wish I could touch the water but no one in my island is allowed to. I was eating food when my parents talked about the school for good and evil. I want to get into the school for evil, the school for good seems boring.

Aurora :
Wow I'm tired I thought as I went back to my sleeping chambers after finishing breakfast. I slept for 12 hours last night why am I so exhausted I thought as I fell into a deep sleep dozing in my bed I threw myself onto.

Jasmine :
The kingdom of Agraba was a wonderful place at least I think it is since I've never left the gates of my castle. My dad has been very protective of me ever since my mom had passed away. But he loves me and would giving everything to me like a copy of the market from Agraba since o said the words market and Agraba in my sleep and a tiger I named Rajah.

Comment any other princess you want me to add. I really hope you enjoy this part of my story, feel free to leave suggestions.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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