this is the last time you tell me i've got it wrong

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Ladybug was currently rushing to her patrol spot, she was late yet again. But, it wasn't her fault. Her and Alya were sorting out certain things. 

She was sure that Chat Noir would understand, some things were just more important than him. Oh god, that sounded horrible.

She arrived, only to see nobody there. I mean, she had been an hour late, so maybe he just started without her. 

There was a note on the ground though. She grabbed it, and it read, "I already patrolled, no need to do it again. See you later, maybe." 

She had really messed up this time, usually he waits for Ladybug. Well, she'd better get home. 

But, her mind was full of thoughts as she was going. Why would Chat leave? Was he really that upset? Next thing Ladybug knew, she had stopped somewhere that wasn't her house. It was the Eiffel Tower. Looks like she subconsciously went to the place where Chat usually is if he's not detransformed. It's happened a lot recently, to be fair.

Lucky for Ladybug, he was infact sitting down, but his eyes were closed and he was in a slumped position. "Chat, are you awake..?" He wearily opens his eyes and Ladybug smiles. She hopes it makes him feel better at least.

"Hey Kitty, what's up?" Chat sits up more and stares at her blankly. "Really, what's up?"

Ladybug looks away. "Look I'm sorry I didn't show up, I've just been so busy and.."

He interrupts her, "It would've been fine if it was one or two times, LB. But it's happened so much in the past few months. It's clear where I am at your list of priorities."

"Nonono! You've got it all wrong. I just have things to do. Like, Rena Rouge and I have been working together, she knows me better than you do, so it's easier. But you still are one of the most important things to me.

Chat's heart broke into a million tiny pieces. "I'm not asking you again, just please, try to put my name at the top of your list."

"I promise I will." But with all her stress, was a promise really gonna be a promise?

"See you later, Chaton." He nodded and left. Not even a M'lady. It's fine, he'll probably get over it soon, at least that's what she thinks.

Chat Noir had gotten Ladybug the best gift ever, to put it simply. He had been hyping it up to her as soon as he got it too, so basically for 3 days. She wasn't too happy that he wanted to surprise her with something during times they weren't saving Paris, but she obliged anyways.

One week ago, Ladybug offhandedly mentioned to Chat that she was a huge fan of Gabriel Agreste's collection and really wanted it some of it, but it was insanely overpriced, so she couldn't get it. Obviously, he's Adrien Agreste. So, he bought her a few pieces that he thought she would like. 

He wanted to give it to her during a time that wasn't patrol or when there was an akuma, because it was something that just wouldn't work out then.

So, at 8'o clock, he was waiting for Ladybug to show up. But then it became 8:15, and then it became 8:30, and there were no signs of her showing up. 

It was just like patrol, except this was something he couldn't do alone. It was a gift. 

He was about to give up and go home when at 9PM, she finally showed up with a tired look on her face. "Sorry, I was busy. So, what's the surprise?"

Chat put on his model smile that he had learned to do a million times. "So, you told me that the Agreste Collection was too expensive but you wanted it, so, take this as a birthday present, even though I don't know when your birthday is."

you wear your best apology (but i was there to watch you leave) - ladynoirWhere stories live. Discover now