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Walking down the halls of the mansion in the pocket dimension I made my way to the kitchen and as I entered I saw my boyfriend Jackson and I smiled. Going up to him I hugged and kissed him.

"Excited for tonight?" He asked, holding my waist.

"More nervous." I grinned. "Your family from your latest life has no idea I'm a momor about us being Sun Celestials."

"My family will love your kids babe. Now how about we get started on cooking, the butlers and maids are getting the dining room ready."

Nodding and smiling I followed his lead and we set to work. Waving my hand towards the pots and pans they put themselves at the stove top and Jackson did the same. It didn't take long for us to cook the food and when we were done we walked to the ballroom to wait for our guest.

Jackson's family was already here waiting and I saw they looked around surprised and curiously. He walked up to them and gave each a hug and I smiled at them. It was his mom, dad, younger sister, Older sister, her husband, and their kid. I let them talk and mingle and stood to the side. A portal appeared in the doorway separating the dining hall and the ballroom and I saw my dad Skipper come through with my twin and some of my kids.

Smiling, my kids ran towards me and I hugged each of them and kissed their foreheads. I hugged my dad and my sister and was beyond happy.

"You look good sis." I said. "How's work going?"

"Eh, it's alright." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders."I might be staring in a movie with Robbert Downy Jr soon."

I saw Jackson's family walk over and I smiled and introduced my family as this is the first time they met. Of course I got a few surprised looks as I told them about my kids and twin sister as I've never mentioned them before. I'm actually surprised that Skipper was hitting it off with Jackson's dad well. And his small cousin was playing well with my kids.

A few hours passed with a few more people showing up and introducing them to Jackson's family. Things were going well. Soon it came time for dinner and we all made our way to the dinning hall. Jackson and I sat at the top next to each other, and his family sat next to him on his side of the table going from his dad, to his mom, younger sister, older sister, the husband, and their kid. My family sat on my side going from me to my sister, to Skipper, to the punks, the btt, and then my kids.

Looking over the table I couldn't help but smile at the ever growing family. Holding Jackson's hand I kissed it and he did the same. Snapping my fingers the food appeared in front of us and we all started to take some and started to eat. This was a good thanksgiving.

A/N: sorry for the short one, but I hope you think it was cute and sweet. Happy Turkey day my dogs!

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