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Dean had the confused impression that he had been there for an eternity. Only his watch reminded him of the time passing in the eternal night of purgatory had enough to drive any man crazy. His days were punctuated by hunting, and micro-naps.

Days, weeks, and months passed, all the same, as he prayed one name over and over, muttering it like a litany, over and over again, despairing of ever getting an answer.


He didn't know where his angel had gone, and he didn't know if he would ever see him again.

Sometimes he even wondered if he was dead. A question that he didn't dare to ask, letting it barely touch his conscience, to send it back so soon in that dark heap, deep in his brain.

He continued to kill these monsters, which he knew by heart, who kept coming back for more.

As the only man in this hellhole, he knew he was drawing too much attention. He had found the portal, knew he could leave. But not without his angel.

Other thoughts had emerged from his exhausted and tortured mind. Secret thoughts, which he had glimpsed, in the burker, in the heart of his insomnia.

Maybe, after all they had been through, Castiel wasn't just his best friend.

Maybe he was thinking a little too much about himself.

Maybe he was worrying a little too much about him.


Another day that started like any other.

Yet that day, Dean thought he saw the sunlight for the first time.

He cut off the head of a vampire, moved forward a little more. And there, behind a tree, sitting in the middle of dead grass, at the edge of a river.

He was there.

- Cass.

A name, barely whispered, a hope barely admitted. The heart trembling, the eyes riveted on this face that he knew so much, he dared to take a step. He was afraid of dreaming, of falling into a trap, that by advancing a little too much, the mirage would fade. Or even worse. That it was really there, but that he didn't want to see it. 

He could see that purgatory had also changed the cherub. His face was dirty, eaten by a thick beard. 

The angel stood up, staring at the hunter, not daring to meet his eyes. He was ashamed of his silence of the last few months, yet he didn't feel he could fix things now.

- You are alive.

- You too," Castiel replied, his voice trembling.

- I called you, I prayed for you. Every night.

- I heard you.

Dean tried to hide the pang of pain that had just lodged itself in the pit of his stomach. He had heard every plea, bargain, statement he had made, and yet he had not come. He had preferred to remain far from him.

- So...

His voice broke, he was afraid of the answer, but he had to know.

- I had to protect you.

- What?

- I am an angel, Dean. My energy is like a beacon in the middle of the storm for them. They're chasing me. I couldn't risk putting you in danger unless I was sure I could protect you.

- Damn it Cass.

Dean made the few steps which still separated them, opened the arms, to embrace the angel. He put his head in the hollow of her neck. He would have liked to say that he found his smell, but they both smelled sweat and blood.

Dean's throat tightened. He was normally the one protecting others, throwing away his life and hopes without the slightest regret.

But this time, his angel had done it. In the middle of purgatory, he had never felt so loved and safe.

He did not ask himself any questions when he stepped back, to rest his forehead against that of the brown.

Castiel did not protest when the hunter's hands grabbed his neck.

Dean finally silenced all their doubts when, with a smooth movement, he brought their faces together.

With the energy of the despair, the hunter clutched the damaged and torn trench coat. His lips tasted, devoured rather, the man in front of him.

For the first time in months, he finally felt like he could breathe, that the sun was rising, that he had slept for hours.

For the first time in months, Dean was no longer a shadow that refused to disappear. He was alive.

Castiel clung to him with the same energy, seeking, through every kiss, every caress, to make up for his absence.

He could never admit to the hunter that he had answered every one of his prayers, that he had sometimes wished he would shut up, only to feel desperate when the voice disappeared, that he had screamed his frustration to nothing, night after night.

Maybe one day he would be able to confess everything to her. But for now, he wanted to forget about the monsters and the night, for the warmth between her icy arms.


I am HYPER frustrated!!! I wrote this chapter in my notebook, because I didn't have my computer with me, and I don't like writing on my phone. In total, this chapter is 5 pages in my notebook (and I don't write very big). 

Except that there, when I copy it, IT IS LESS THAN 1000 WORDS ! 

Argh it annoys me to have the impression to write of ouf, and that in fact not at all T-T

Anyway, I hope that it will be more interesting for you!

Do not hesitate if you want to see some stories, or other couples. 

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