French kiss & broken soul

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I reread barjy02's "Eye of the Puma" wattpad french novel, and it made me want to write about them, so here goes.


As had often been the case in recent days, Castiel was glued to the television. Times were calm enough for the hunters, which was rare and surprising enough to be noticed. The circling angel had quickly got the better of Dean's nerves, and he'd decided to show him his DVD collection, then the streaming platforms.

And the angel had discovered a rather... surprising taste for cinema, particularly foreign cinema. While Dean enjoyed a good Western, Castiel had opted for genre films, such as those by Woody Allen. Sam had tried to explain the reasons for the general population's rejection of the man, but hadn't insisted for long when he realized that the cherub didn't really understand the connection between what he was seeing on screen and the director's personal story. Instead, he decided to introduce him to other directors and other works that might suit him better.

What the two brothers hadn't anticipated, however, was the number of questions it would raise in the angel's mind. Dean took his revenge on his brother for several hours, when Castiel came to him, asking him if it was bad to be gay.

In fact, it began with his discovery of the works of Jane Austen. He'd loved Joe Wright's version of Pride and Prejudice. Once he'd seen all the films, he moved on to the BBC versions, which were often longer and more complete. Fascinated, he decided he wanted to know more.

Then, while clumsily searching on Netflix, he came across Andrew Ahn's Fire Island. A modern-day Pride and Prejudice, in which a group of LGBT friends meet up on an island that celebrates homosexuality, for a short but intense vacation.

Far from being perturbed, Castiel was at first fascinated by the scene, and the way he was able to rediscover the characters he already knew so well. Until his friends broached the subject of homosexuality. Then came Heartstopper, in which a young boy struggles to come to terms with his attraction to his classmate.

So he decided to go straight to one of the hunters to ask if it would be a problem, and came across Dean in the kitchen, shirtless, making himself a sandwich.

-How's Cass? How are the movies?

-Quite interesting. But there's something I don't understand?

-If the remote bugs, just tap it gently. I don't know why it works, but it does. But don't go breaking it like the last one.

Castiel shook his head.

-Is being gay a bad thing?

Dean almost choked on his sandwich, and had to drink a large glass of water to finally manage to breathe normally. Shocked, he made big eyes at the angel in front of him, who was waiting patiently for an answer.

-Why would you ask something like that?

-Charlie seems afraid of being laughed at, and he's afraid Nick will reject him. As for Nick, he's clearly in love with Charlie, but he seems reluctant to admit it to his mother. I feel like it's important, but I don't understand why. So I thought you could explain.

-Why me ?

-Sam said he had something to do before he left, laughing.

Dean sighed. He knew the angel just wanted to better understand the humans he now lived with, but this wasn't really a conversation he'd expected to have in the middle of the day. And then how could he even begin to explain something as complicated as homophobia to someone who knew nothing about human feelings.

Destiel - One-shot [English]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora