Chapter 6:Go back to school

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Elsa pov.
I wake up and saw my unicorn named snow drop then I stand up and saw Jack about to say something
"Elsa go to bath already school starts in 1 hr."Jack said
"Ok jeez"I said
Then I go to the bathroom and take a bath then wear my yellow floral dress and wear my heels.I go down stairs and saw Jack eating so I sit beside Jack then I eat after we eat I brush my teeth go inside of Jack's car and he start driving after 50 mins. drive we got to royal high and front of the school welcome students and both I and Jack go inside of the school then he wrap his arm around and then we go around the hall and I hear girls was whispering each other ears
"Hey what she doing with my lover boy"
"Jack is in love with that pesky and ugly girl ew"
"Jack thinks that girl is perfect for her but I should be with Jack right beside him"
Then I downcast
"Don't listen to them my snowflake they just jealous that you are perfect"Jack said
Then we both go to the office and get our Id and our locker number
"Welcome back Elsa and Jack to school hers your Id and your locker number"Ms.Smith said
"Thank you Ms.Smith"both of us said
Then I ask Jack his locker number
"Hey Jackass what's your locker number?mine is 208"I asked
"Mine is 209"Jack said
"So we're locker mates?"I said
"Yup!"Jack said happy
"What's your first period?mine is Arts"I said
"Mine is arts too"Jack said soooo happy
"Gulp"I said
Then we both go to our lockers and put my files and wear my Id and get my things for arts and close my locker and then Jack wrap his arm around my neck again then I sit down near the window and It was a empty sit and Jack sit beside me and Ms.Cinderella came
"Good morning class today we going to face your sit mates and ask questions each other until the bell rang"Ms.White said
Then we face each other
"Am going to ask you questions first"I said
"Ok"Jack said
"Name?"I asked Jack
"Jack Frost of overland"Jack answer me
"Age?"I asked Jack
"19"Jack answer me
"Date birth?"I asked Jack
"Dec 17,1996"Jack answer me
"Now its my turn to ask you questions"Jack said
"Name?"Jack asked
"Elsa of Arendelle"I answer Jack
"Nickname?"Jack asked me
"Els or Elsie"I answer Jack
"Age?"Jack asked me
"18"I answer Jack
"Date Birth?"Jack asked me
"Dec 18,1996"I answer Jack
"So we got next to next birthday"Jack said
"Yeah"I said
Then the bell rang I stand up and hurry to my locker and get my stuff for Music and No sign of Anna and the team then I go to the Music room and sit beside the window and someone sit beside me and am not even care who sit beside me and someone tap at my shoulder and I look who beside me and it was...Jack!!! Then Ms.White came
"Good morning class today we will be partner by each other.......Jack and Elsa.......and today you are going to practice to sing together and all of you is partner of girl to boy so the boy should be holding a instrument while the girl sings and I will dismiss you now"Ms.White said
Actually today we just have two subjects it was arts and Music and we going to be going home now but Jack stop me
"Are we going to your house or mine"Jack said
"Yours"I said
"Ok"Jack said
Then I hop to his car and he drive to his car and we got to his kingdom........

Sorry guys am quiet to cut this scene because am really run out of energy so this is what I write today maybe later chapter 7 so guys pls. Keep reading a hope I have 500 views someday but I just started and tell your friends to read this

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