Black Wolf (Chapter 1 Pilot)

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The alarm went off. I smashed it, breaking it in half. I looked at my broken alarm clock, seeing it in pieces. Bolts, metal, and a red led light saying 5:00 pm. I groaned staring at it. I snatched the blankets and threw them off my bed. I opened the blinds seeing it was sunny outside. A little bluebird flew into its nest and fed her hatchlings. The more I observed them, the more my vision turned blood red. Almost like certain things I touch or watch, they mess with me.

I pulled my right pants sleeve up and checked the ankle monitor seeing it still intact. It was stupid honestly. Murdering a few people for no reason. For self-defense of course. But that didn't work for the judge obviously. All they saw, was a young African American woman with special powers and gifts. Sometimes life always tries to push you away from the good side.

I walked into the bathroom searching for my medicine. I grabbed my pills, and swallow them. They should help with my headache and disorder. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I opened the cabinets underneath the sink and grabbed a hairbrush. I styled my hair into two buns going back and sprayed it.

I threw the blanket back on my bed, febrezed it, and put on my black boots. I grabbed my phone, house keys and headed out the door. I locked my door and walked out the entrance of the apartment complex.


A police car pulled up in front of me. A woman in the driver's seat, I guess waiting for me to get in. I jogged up to the car and got in. Jane, my parole officer glared at me, with scowling eyebrows.

"Jourdain. You're late." She said, pulling out of the parking spot. Turning away from me.

"Yeah by two minutes." I chuckled a little.

She slammed the breaks. My body jolted, hitting my head on the dashboard. I lifted my head and turned to face her. "No not By two minutes or 8 minutes. BUT BY TWO HOURS JOURDAIN And if it keeps happening. You can go to PRISON for INSUBORDINATION. " She said, raising her voice at me.

I groaned at her comment. Jane always was on my ass about this stuff. Like always, Jourdain don't do this. Jourdain stop acting like a child. Like one time, I learned to shoot a gun under her guidance. Well, I shot at the target in front of me, but it bounced off and hit a police officer guy in the knee by accident. And she wants to yell at me.

"Fine. But can you shut up about it? I mean it's not like it's gonna affect you or your job. People like you have the power to do whatever you want without any consequence to your actions."

Jane looked at me, her eyes full of remorse. She fixed her eyes back on the road.

"Well maybe not. But still, I get to help troubled people like you become better. And you're right people like me have power. But I use this power to make the world a better place. "

"But why? Why become a police officer? And out of all the positions in the force. Why be a parole officer?" I was curious. After all, she is my 10th parole officer. The other ones were either aggressive, strict, or rude.

"I can't tell you, Jourdain. It's personal for me. Besides if it makes you better. I like being your parolee officer. Dealing with you every day can either be a pain or sometimes "

"Um ew thanks I guess"


We arrived at the place. An old Texas house rodeo place. They had a barn for the animals to sleep in. An outside bullfighting arena and a few apple trees far left to the barn. A meadow grew between the apple trees and barn. A cornfield grew left to the apple trees, and a pumpkin patch was growing to the right of the apple trees. If you were facing towards the meadow, in front of the barn. I hope that made sense.

My hours are served here to clear my sentence and get rid of this damn ankle monitor. It makes my leg itch. You know how you have that itching feeling that you just can't reach. That's exactly what it felt like. Jane parked the car in front of the place. I got out of the car and shut the door.

"Now for today, you have to shovel poop, dust the walls, and sweep. That's all you have to do today. So far so good." Jane said, handing the paper to me.

"Ok. Thanks, Jane." I walked towards the entrance of the building.


I started with shoveling poop inside the barn since that was the hardest task for me. I only had a few more scoops to go. One by one I scooped the poop into the wheelbarrow, cleaning up until the barn floor was spotless from top to bottom.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead, at sat down on the clean floor(yes it's clean. Nobody wants to sit on a shitty floor). I closed my eyes for a little bit to rest.

"Well, I'll say..." A voice said behind me, I opened my eyes to see the countryman standing near a brown horse. He wore cowboy boots, a light fleece coat with fur inside it, regular jeans, and a cowboy hat.

"Um hey, I cleaned your barn spotless," I said standing up and walking towards him. I have never seen this man around here before in my entire time. Ever since I have cleaned this dumb place, this man never appeared in here. Never.

"I can see that. So question. What is your name? You look familiar. And you seem to be good with animals. They love you, and seem happy to be near you every day." A brown horse snorted, while he stroked its white and black mane. Is he stalking me? Who stalks someone while they're doing community service.

"Um, my name is Amaya Holly. and I'm here to help around the barn that's all." I said, lying through my teeth. "So what is the horse's name?" I asked him.

"This is fawn. My most trusted steed. She won 1st place in horse racing all 7 years until I retired her so she can have a break." I could tell he was lying. I literally got records of that horse and her past. But I just let it go because I didn't have time to argue with a ghost or a stranger.

I walked closer towards fawn. "May I pet her?" I asked him even though I was asking her. He handed me an apple out of his pocket and handed it to me. I held the apple out in front of Fawn, and she ate it. I may not like certain things but Fawn was the exception.

Fawn licked my hand, and rubbed against it, I opened the gate and led her outside the barn. "Hey. um, what was your name again sir?" I asked him, but he disappeared from the barn. Weird.


Fawn and I walked around the meadow fields. I felt like she kept speaking to me, showing me around her home. Sometimes she would look at me with... red eyes. Like this morning with the birds... red eyes.

We walked back to the barn, and Fawn went back in her little pen spot. Once she went back in, I closed the fence and stroked her mane. I looked at her, and her eyes were... red. Again.

Jourdain. I heard a voice say. Jourdain. Jourdain. It kept repeating, and my ears were ringing. He's here they kept saying. They were warning but I didn't understand.

The whole place was red. Everything. They pierced my eardrums, screaming. Trying to get me to answer them. All this screaming made me blank out and silence fell finally.


I hope you are enjoying the book so far. I know there are a lot of grammar mistakes I'm working on that.

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