Chapter 9

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As the doors of the elebators opened all of them gasped. There was a circular room with 7 small dome shaped glasses with one stone inside each.
"So, first of, I need you all to sit here and then I gotta tell you'll a story." Mr Khanna said.
Everyone sat down.
"Now, as we all know, there are 7 elements of nature: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Nature, Ice, Light. Now, there are 7 special people in this world who are selected to represent these elements on Earth. To protect the earth from harm. Three of these elements are genetic. As in, three members of a family who are elements of nature, pass on those genes to their kids or nephews or nieces. Me, Vibha Di and our elder brother were elements. And our parents were also elements and so on. Now in our family, also there are three of you'll who are elements. And they are even present here. Now, I would first like all of you to give me one piece of your hair. Any body hair. Everyone took out a piece of their hair. Ashi was having trouble. When Siddharth saw that her eyelashes had already fallen on her cheek, he gently took it which made Ashi blush. They gave all the hairs and one by one and put it in a machine. "This is type of a DNA test" VA explained. They all nodded.
Suddenly Mr Khanna held up a hand. "Avneet!"
Avneet walked ahead.
"Okay Avneet, can I ask you a question? Do you love campaigning about Nature, and are you very passionate about it?"
She nodded.
"Very well! We got our first member, let me just be sure.", he said.
Then he took a long wand type of thing and lightly touched her head, there was a small beep. VA and Mr Khanna looked at each other and smiled.
"You get it from you dad. He too died fighting for Earth. He represented Nature." VA said keeping a hand on her shoulder.
Ashi saw Avneet get a little teary eyed.
"OK! Now I know! Avneet! You are the head of this generations Elements of Nature!" He announced.
Avneet looked up. Her happiness knew no bounds. She felt so proud!
Next up was Siddharth. After something similar, he was given the element fire. Ashi was given water, Sumedh was given Earth, Mallika was given Air and Abhinavi were given ice and light respectively.
Then they were each given a pendant and were made to stand and take a pic. This pic was then put up next to a series of pictures of old groups of people who represented nature.
Avneet saw her dad's photo, standing proud and tall! "I will make you proud Pappa, I wish you were here" she said.
Ashi knew exactly what she was thinking about. She went and gave her a big hug.
"He loves you. You know, just like how Sirius Black says, those who loves us never really leave us. They are always here, in the heart." She said. Avneet smiled, and the two friends hugged.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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