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To your dismay, the day after the marriage announcement arrived. If Tooru was telling the truth, your soon-to-be fiancé would be here today to meet you. You haven't met him before, but everything you have heard has been extremely positive.

Like your dad mentioned, he is from one of the most affluent nations in the continent, they are known for their power, specifically their highest ranking officer, named Kotaro Bokuto. He is known as one of the strongest in the continent, with only a few knights more powerful and skilled than he is.

To help prepare you for your first meeting, a whole team of maids helped you get dressed today instead of the usual one or two. With the hair and makeup all done, you headed outside of your room, ready to see your knight.

When you open the door, however, you see Tooru waiting for you, instead of Iwaizumi. He smiles when he sees you, then holds his arm out to escort you to the ballroom.

"Where's Hajime?" you ask him.

"I told you not to worry about him anymore," he responds, furrowing his eyebrows, "But anyways, did you think about what I said to you last night?"

"I did, and my answer is still the same," you reply. After checking your surroundings and making sure no one is nearby, you whisper, "I'm only leaving if Hajime is coming with me."

You notice a small frown form on his face, but it quickly changes into a smile when he catches you staring at him.

"Well, keep thinking about it. If this engagement meeting goes well and Prince Keiji likes you, then the marriage will likely happen either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Everyone is already doing preparations in case."

You were too stunned to say another word. Just a couple days ago, you were happy and free to be with Iwaizumi, but tomorrow that could all change. Your freedom, life and relationships could all be changed by tomorrow. It was a frightening thought that you couldn't fully wrap your head around.

"Hey, it's okay," Tooru reassures you, when he notices you spiralling, "There's always a chance it won't happen."

Even as those words escaped Tooru's lips, he knew there was no chance the wedding wouldn't happen. It was a political decision. The two kings are only marrying their children off for politics, this meeting is fake. Its only purpose is to provide a facade to the prince and you, tricking you into thinking you have any choice in the decision.

"Okay, we're finally at the ballroom, how are you feeling?" Tooru asks.

"Nervous? I'm not sure how to feel," you answer, looking at the ground. What you really wanted to ask was the location of Iwaizumi, but you knew Tooru wouldn't tell you.

"Well, I will be right by your side the entire time. So don't worry too much. I don't think Prince Keiji is even here yet, so you can relax for a little."

You give him a soft smile, then wait for the guard standing by the entrance to open the door for you. He announces you and Tooru are entering the room, then promptly shuts the door once you both enter.

You gaze in amazement at the elegance of the ballroom. Its artworks and beautifully crafted chandeliers always impressed you. It was one of your favourite rooms in the castle. It's lovely energy whenever a ball happens, compared to the quiet peacefulness whenever it was empty caused you to fall in love with the room. Today, however, instead of the peacefulness and bliss you usually feel, an overwhelming feeling of dread washes over you. Every second was suffocating you more and more. It was all starting to become too much, but you had to bear it for the sake of your country.

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