idk whats gonna happen,im just making this all up as i go XD

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Black star's p.o.v

I was walking through the woods and spotted a really tall i climbed it......once i got to the top i relized how cool the view was, but i got down cause gods cant be slowed down by trees.I saw the end of the woods not far ahead but i still walked,until i heard a certain melody.

*ice cream truck melody*

OMG ICECREAM TRUCK"IM COMING FOR YOU MY LOVE!"i ran out of the woods and to the icecream truck, luckily i had my wallet in my sweat pants,im always losing it.YEAH!chocalate vanilla swirl! The sun still had to rise alittle bit but it was close to 8:00 i could tell.cause im manly,and men ALWAYS know what time it is,no watch needed

Kids p.o.v. bad.........but i musnt......its not 8,"LIZ,NOW WHAT TIME IS IT?"

"7:49!" gonna poop myself!NOOOOOOOOOOO,I MUST HOLD MY POOP

Pattys p.o.v.

I heard screaming coming from kids room so i ran in "KID?!?!"he had a weird look on his face"NO,GO PATTY.I MUST CONCENTRATE"i slammed the door and went back to making a mess

Kids p.o.v.

Its been 3 minutes...8 MINUTES LEFT,OH THE counting every second

Blackstars p.o.v.

I walked back home and finished my chocolate vanilla swirl icecream and went into my room and layed on my bed,chicken tenders.........

Kids p.o.v.

Its been another 3 minutes......i was getting anxious.....5....more minutes....i closed my eyes and tried to ignore my serious intense erdge to get up and poop,i closed my eyes for about 4 minutes,still counting every second like my life depended on it, sheets depended on it, 1.......more......minute,after that minute passed i dashed up and ran to my bathroom in my room

Blackstars p.o.v.

I stood up and started singing katy perry"CAUSE BABY YOUR A FIIIRREEEEE WORK!CMON SHOW EM WHAT YOUR WORTH MAKE EM GO OH OH OH!"and i also danced like a boss

Kids p.o.v.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in a symmetrical out fit,not my suit though,no words neede to describe it....all you need to know is that is symmetrical

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