Born on the Day of the Black Sun

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At a hospital in Tokyo, a couple is expecting their first two born a twin.

As the mother delivers her daughters to the world a cry was heard.

Okay, we have the first one! said the doctor.

Push!!! the doctor said to the mother.

And her second child was welcome to the world.

Congrats you have two wonderful girls Maam. the last word she heard from the doctor before she passed out.

Moments later...

The doctor gave the good news to the father that both his wife and daughters were fine.

Glad the father went to the nursery to see his daughters.

He was so happy that tears of joy fell down his face.

The two girls were born during an eclipse on the day of the black sun.

unknown to the couple a cult has prophesied that two babies would be born on the day of the black sun.

the day has come and they prepared to kidnap the babies before they reach the had of their parents.

They attack the hospital and killed anyone that got in their way.

as the father was beside her wife in the private room, he heard the commotion.

he saw the staff laying dead on the floor and his daughters held by strangers.

He tried his best to stop them but one of the cult members stabbed him in the back left for dead. The members of the cult ran away with the newly born babies.

to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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