The Birth of Sindria

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     A long time ago lived a civilization which was located on a large island stretching miles after miles long,the island was swarming with forest and mountains as well as life,the people of this civilization built incredible
structures made of mostly stone,had laws,kings and queens,as well as their own culture and much more. As they lived in peace and harmony a group of pirates had spotted the island,they sailed towards the island and droped their anchor near the coast,they proceded to explore the island in attempt to find the civilization,they spent all day looking for it but found no sucess,so they set up a camp and would try again during the morning. They awoke at dawn and prepared to search yet again,for hours they walked in random directions hoping to find any sort of building,but they only got more trees,rivers,and mountains,they eventually found a very primitive looking sandal,this was good news,this meant that someone had been here,they had hoped it was someone from the civilization,they continued walking randomly through the forest,trying to stick together to not get lost due to the amount of trees,then finnaly,they stumbled across a statue of a piece of cheese,the pirates were happy they had finnaly found something but were also confused to why there was a statue made of cheese,they ignored it and looked far to the left from the statue,they spotted houses,temples,more statues,kids playing with eachother,an old man playing a flute,as well as people walking around carrying primitive looking baskets with fruits and vegetables inside them,the pirates roared with exitement,because this is what they had been looking for,they were planning to destroy the civilization because it was prophesised to be involved with the creation of Sindria,which was also prophesised to be the only empire capable of stoping the pirates from taking over the world during "The Great Sea Raid" a story which occurs long after the empire is born. The pirates then left the island to bring reinforcements because they were far to outnumbered to stand a chance,the pirates then waited 2 days to fully gather reinforcements to launch a large attack on the island at night,when the time came they sailed towards the island,as the people of the civilization were going on about their lives,they heard a large crowd of yelling,getting closer and closer,the pirates then appeared from behind nearby trees,charging with their swords and firing their bow and arrows,the people began to run away in terror as arrows landed in some of their backs,the guards of the civilization charged with their spears and impaling some of the pirates in the stomach,but they were quickly sliced down after,the pirates quickly handled the guards and chased the citizens as well as setting the nearby houses on fire and knocking over statues,the pirates kept charging towards the citizens who were still running for their life when all of a sudden the clouds darkened,it began to rain intensly, loud thunder emerged,there were winds strong enough to send most pirates sliding on the floor trying to grab something to latch on to,then a giant crack began to form on the ground,this crack then shot out jets of water,emerged from the crack was Zelanada Lord of the Sea,he then struck the island with his trident,wich then began to shake intenstly,an enormous crack then split the island in half sending the side the pirates were on floating away,that part of the island then was dragged to the bottom of the sea by an incredibly large wormhole,the side the citizens were on also began to float away,but this part of the island began floating a specific path,Zelanada was sending them towards a new island where they would eventually settle. After multiple days of being on a moving piece of island,the piece then crashed into a large piece of land,it was mostly desert,the people slowely observed where they were then stepped off the half island onto the desert,once all of them were off the half island floated away and eventually sunk for unknown reasons. Zelanada then emerged from the sea,standing upon a pillar of water,gave a wink,and dropped right back in,as you'd expect the people thought they had been saved  by a god,they were right,they quickly made themselves home. With time they had all ready built incredible structures,developed agriculture as well as laws,a political system,a much more powerful military so that they wont be so helpless incase they are yet again attacked,as well as a much better economy,they even held special events such as "The Sportavus Play",where actors would recreate some of the most glorious moments throughout their history. Their new civilization was doing great,they also called themselves "Sindrinians" natives to the civilizations of Sindria.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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