chapter one

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Anna's pov :
"Anna time for lunch " mom calls "ok"   I go down stares and eat the food  "so are you excited to go riding "dad asks  "no" I say " why not " dad asks "thare stuck up English snobs I want to ride Western not English " I tell them "ok we will tell them you want to ride Western" mom says "go get your jeans on I will take you to the tack store to get some boots and a Helmut ' mom tells me "ok"  we go to the tack store I pick out a black Helmut with a yellow zigzag line on it  on it and brown boots with a yellow design it if you couldn't tell I love yellow design. I used to ride Western when I was younger I went in shows and clinics then my sister died MJ she rode with me I kinda just stopped riding . 

"Hi Anna I'm Pat I will be teaching you to ride " the ladie said "ok " I say and walk into the barn  my mom tells her I used to rid and stuff so she wouldn't put me on the half dead horse."this is rocket she has some go but not to much "  Pat says "what about that one" I ask  missy is actually that one is a rescue " Pat says "is she fit to ride " I ask  "yes but she won't let anyone on " Pat says "can I try" I ask " if you want" Pat says
I get missy tacked up and lead her to the arena  I lead her to the mounting block its ok girl your safe I leen on the saddle and say " your ok " and " good girl " she stands thare for me so I get on she perks her head up " wooh  easy girl " and she calmes down "click click walk on girl she is fine so I ask for a trot and she picks it up I trot around the arena 3 times each way then ask for a canter "good girl " I say as loping I then squeeze and ask for a gallop she runs fast my face in the wind I ask for a sliding stop and she gives it to me "good girl" I praise " omg how what " Pam says confused about what just happened "can you set up pole bending" I ask Pat sets up the poles and I trot thrugh them then I love thrugh them then I gallop them "can we go on a trail ride please"  I ask Pat "Sher let me get rocket"  me and Pat canter through the trail once we get to the end we stop and walk home cooling them down.


449 words I know it's short but yk

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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