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Lee Yubin/Dami:

Age: 19 years old

Information: she is being bullied by Handong, Jiu, Siyeon and Gahyeon. Likes reading, and is good at maths. She hangs out with yoohyeon. In Gahyeon and Handong's classes.

Lee Gahyeon:

Age: 19 years old

Information: she likes to bully Lee Yubin/Dami. She usually hangs out with Handong, Jiu and siyeon. Dosnt really like to listen to the teachers. In Dami's and Handong's classes.

Kim Minji/Jiu:

Age: 19 years old

Information: she hangs out with Handong, Siyeon and Gahyeon. Secretly has a crush on yoohyeon. In yoohyeon's and siyeon's classes.

Kim Yoohyeon:

Age: 19 years old

Information: she likes the talk to dami and hang out with her. Has a crush on Jiu. In jiu's and siyeon's Classes.

Lee Siyeon:

Age: 19 years old

Information: she hangs out with Jiu, Handong and Gahyeon. Spends most of her time on her phone then talking. In yoohyeon's and jiu's classes.


Age: 19 years old

Information: she hangs out with Jiu, Siyeon and Gahyeon. Has no love interest. In Dami's and Gahyeon's classes.

Sua will come soon I promise :)

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