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Gahyeon's POV:

As I was walking down the path to have my lunch, this random dude pulled me to the the side where no one can see and started to shout at me and later on punch me. My eyes were tearing up from the pain. Then this guy shouted at me saying 'fat ass'. I lost it. No one knew about my insecurities on my weight, not even my friends. So I started to go and punch him and kick him. He ran away to his group of mates and I just stood there looking at the ground with tears falling onto the floor but as soon as I looked up I saw a glimpse of someone... it was Dami. I started to walk then run straight to her, I was a bit faster then her so I managed to catch up with her. For some reason she looked kinda sad but I don't think she meant it for being sorry for me....I think. I didn't know what to do, so I just punched her and walked away. I turned around to see her face and she looked shocked because I punch her a few times but this time I was just tired and I just wanted to go home.

I was making sure my friends didn't see me in this state so I fixed myself and got to them. Siyeon suddenly spoke up saying,"Hey guys, have you heard about the new student coming here. Think her name might Sua or something like that." She looked up from her phone to see three shocked people staring at her."what?"she asked confused. Us three got more shocked from her looking up from her phone for more then a minute and speaking more than three or four words. We went back to normal but still just a bit freaked out."So how did you know about this?" Handong asked politely."well I just saw her on social media," she responded with. We all nodded are head while making a humming sound. "Well we should better be going now," Jiu said. We all waved and left.

A thought popped inside my head, it was dami. Why would I be thinking about that damn girl, I mean she is ugly but sort of cute. Wait what am I thinking, this is not what I should be thinking of. As soon as I got home I took my shoes off and put them away. I got greeted by my parents and went upstairs into my room. I don't really do much at home so I go out to go shopping or go out with friends or just go on a walk and get a drink. My favourite types of walks are going out just past midnight and halve a look at the stars and breath in the fresh air. Know that I think about I might go out for one tonight. So I checked the time an it was 22:07 so I decided to go to bed for 2 and a half hours. I Set my alarm clock to 00:30 and got into bed fell asleep quite quickly.

RING,RING. I groaned as I turned of my alarm and get out of bed. I just put on a hoodie and some shorts. I went outside and felt the fresh air went onto me it was nice. I started my walk around the park and the roads as I got into the park again I bumped into someone. I looked up and it was....Dami...

Dami's POV

I opened my eyes expecting it to be the morning but it turns out it was midnight so I decided to take a short walk outside while listening to music just to get my mind cleared. I just went out without changing cause I couldn't be bothered to get into anything. I went around the roads into the park. I was looking around singing the songs that played on my phone until I bumped into someone. I opened my eyes to see someone I wasn't expecting to see Gahyeon at this time of night in a large hoodie."shit," I whispered. I looked the other way and started walking away until I felt a hand on my shoulder. She said to me,"where do you think your going?" I shivered as I got scared of what is gonna happen to me. I whispered,"Going back home away from you." She sounded quite offended from what I said. She let go of me and I started walking back home. I'm pretty sure that I saw her following me but don't really care. I got back inside went back to sleep and I started to think of what just happened in the park. I went to sleep quickly to be able to get ready for school

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