The right person but the wrong time

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{a/n heyy guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated the truth be told my dog died on a Saturday a day I was supposed to update I didn't know until 10:30ish and yk I didn't fell like updating under my contusion Saturday 11/20/21 is when my poor baby died so I hope you guys understand my point of view n e ways I hope this chapter doesn't suck Again I'm really sorry for not updating}

After Tom funeral

Kim pov
After Tom funeral y/n came to my house n stay in her old room she hasn't gotten out of her room I feel bad for her she blames for what happened to Tom  it's been 2 days ready she hasn't eaten anything I'm really worried about her she might starve herself I kept leaving food in front of her door but she won't open up cardi b has come over to try to talk to y/n but no answer she has her phone she probably looking photos of Tom n her I feel so bad for her

Y/n pov
Goddamn it I should've told Tom what was going on this is all my fault Ik my mom was leaving food for me outside my door but I couldn't eat or sleep cardi b would try to talk to me Ik I'm not the only one feeling like this but I was closer to Tom I was on my phone looking at old photos of Tom

Y/n povGoddamn it I should've told Tom what was going on this is all my fault Ik my mom was leaving food for me outside my door but I couldn't eat or sleep cardi b would try to talk to me Ik I'm not the only one feeling like this but I was closer ...

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Ah the one time he called me he was telling he how he looked like Robert Downey jr cuz he had shaving cream on I miss this idiot

The one time he tried to talk but Chris hemsworth told on him cuz he spoiled the new spider man movie n Tom got in trouble for it

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The one time he tried to talk but Chris hemsworth told on him cuz he spoiled the new spider man movie n Tom got in trouble for it

The one time he tried to talk but Chris hemsworth told on him cuz he spoiled the new spider man movie n Tom got in trouble for it

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