Damien the Greek God Part 2

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Damien POV
After dropping off Bella to her first class I saw something in the corner of my eye. Michael was running towards me with a... FUCKING KNIFE!! As soon as he came near me I punched him and knocked him out. His las words were "Keep your fucking hands off Bella she is mine..." I kicked him in the rib and he passed out, asshole.
I walked over his body and left to my first class but I'm already late.
"Were were you Damien and why are you late?" The old bitch screamed at me.
"Shut the fuck up its none of your business!"I yelled back this bitch needs to learn respect.
She cane to her senses and realised who I was and became scared. Yea back off cougar! I took a seat in the back and filtered out what the teacher was saying my thought was drifting back to the beautiful girl I meet today, my Bella

Bella POV
O..M...G Damien is so hot! He dropped me off at class like a total gentleman. The form fitting white T shirt he had on showed his abs, the jeans did not fit him to tight but just right and the Timberlands were so hot. Bella imagine him naked in your bed doing things to you no boy has ever done or made me feel. That thought made me shiver it felt so right but was still a strange feeling to me.
"Ms. Bottecili please pay attention to my lesson!" my jackass teacher said
"Sorry." I mumbled quietly but really I was saying things like FUCK YOU SON OF A B**CH NO ONE LIKES YOU OLD HAG. NO ONE GIVES A DAMN ABOUT YOUR 47 OLD SELF AND 24 OLD WIFE!!! To be honest Im too nice to say those things my mother taught me better(not Bianca).
All the periods until lunch I was dazed by Damien his touch, smell, and voice still lingire on me now.

Third Person
Lunch came quickly and students of all grades came together in one huge cafeteria. Damien went to go sit at his same table with his gang but Michael also did the same thing. Bella had no friends so she went up to the library to eat and read books.

Alex POV his pic is up
I went to the library to get a book for my fucking history report. I was walking pass a table to see a beautiful girl sitting by herself reading and eating her lunch. I was going to blow her away with my charm.
"Hey sexy why all alone?"
"I just-"
"Shhh"I told her "you dont need to explain Alexander the Great knows all."
"What your name, mine is Alex but you should know that." I said while flexing my muscles to show of to my woman.
She giggled which was heaven on Earth"My name is Isabella but just call me Bella" and gave me a cute smile.
We talked and I liked Bella I mean she was to cute and pure and should not be used you know what I mean. The girl you should marry. She looks like Damien's type but that doesn't matter she is damn too fine.

Damien POV
After school the gang had a meeting over the issue with Giovanni, Michael, and Christian. I didn't go after school I was waiting for Bella I needed her but not in a sexual way but more as love way but don't get me wrong she does get me hard. I saw my future girlfriend with Alex what the fuck?? The bastard better not touch her in any way or ill torcher him. They were laughing like buddies nothing more right?

Bella POV
When I saw Damien my heart fluttered. He looked more gorgeous than I remembered. He towered over me and Alex. Stay cool girl he is to cute to be lost.
"Hey Bella" he said with a real smile on his cheek.
"Hey" I said back I couldn't say his name or I ll end up moaning it and it would be so embarrassing.
"Want me to drop you off?" he asked
"Yea thanks" I responded I was squealing with excitement in my head of course.We were heading to his car until I remembered Alex so I turned around and said
"Bye, Alex." i thought he would be upset but he was just had a smirk on his face. I shook it off and left.

Damien POV
We got in my car. Good thing I cleaned it or Bella would get the wrong idea. We talked and got to know eachother better. Her favorite color is lavender and her favorite food is seafood. She likes the sunsets, painting, reading, kittens, and strawberries. She hates the dark, horror films, thunder storms, and violence. We got to the frount of her house and it was almost the same size as mine. I didn't want the car ride to end because I won't hear her beautiful voice again. She thanked me and was going to touch the door handle but i grabbed her wrist gently but forcefully and brought her lips to mine. At first she blushed and was shocked until she started to respond. I bit her lip wanting to open her mouth but she didn't give me permission. I wrapped my hand around her waist under her shirt and felt her stomach. She gasped and i put my tounge right in. We were fighting for dominance with our tongues but I won. I heard Bella moan in my mouth and I shivered and pulled her close to me still wanting to taste her mouth. A few seconds later Bella broke the kiss and we were breathing heavily. She was flustered and it was really cute. I was still holding her never wanting to let go.
"Damien I have to go." Bella said breathlessly.
"Fine"I groaned and Bella blushed.
We extanged numbers and made her promise me to call me before she goes to bed. As soon as she got out I waited for her to get in so I am assured that she got in safe. I don't know what I'll do if I lost her.

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