Chapter 2: Phazon Hero Academy

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Phaaze Remnants, ??? POV

I shoot up hearing the voice and spin around, finding nothing. Aiming my cannon towards the stairs to the Phazon pool, I cautiously begin my approach, until a voice sounds out next to me.

..?: On your left.

Turning left a purple fist connects with my helmet knocking me back, but I manage to not fall over. Standing near the steps to the Phazon Pool is a lady with black hair, white skin, brown eyes, brown jacket and pants, and purple prosthetic arms. She leans against an archway, which has a vine starting to grow on it. My left hand taps my helmet in order to scan her.

[Scanner: Uploading data]
[Agent Black, Transcendent Human. Uses fists and a rocket launcher as her choice weapons, Dark Beam recommended. She used to serve an organization that ruled with an iron fist, and went unchallenged for centuries, until one normal human found a way to kill her kind. This event set in motion the collapse of the organization and her eventual death, yet she came back as a world jumper. Nothing short of a Metroid is killing her.]

Black: I punch you, and your first thought is to tap your mask?

Me: How... did you get here?

My cannon is now aimed at her, and she simply stands up straight, dropping her jacket in the process. Steam expels from the shoulders of the unknown metal arms, and Black dashes at me with speed similar to my newly-acquired Shinespark ability. Out of shock I fire a missile, which explodes and does nothing to slow the charge of Agent Black. She grabs my chest and launches me into the air, then jumps after me and tosses me back into the ground with enough force to cause my body to bounce back up and repeat the process. After bouncing back up the fourth time, Agent Black just piledrives me into the ground.

She then just calmly walks away while my suit is barely held together; a single slap would shatter the whole thing. Parts of my visor fall away to show my eye glaring at her.

Black: As I thought, you have a long way to go to even hope at fighting the "you" I knew, but I'll bet you don't even have a name yet.

I stay silent, because she's right. I have no name.

Black: So, I'll call you by the name I knew. Y/n, if you have problems fight me then change your name.

Me: ... You still didn't answer my question.

She sighs and picks up her jacket, putting it back on.

Black: I don't know how I got here. Last thing I saw was "you" fighting "god" and the world ending. (She points at the new gate.) You should probably open that and deal with whatever it is your supposed to. If you take longer than three days to get back I'm going in after you.

I silently nod then go down to the Phazon pool, and start the process of growing the wormhole arch's vine. It takes six rounds this time but the vine finally reached the floor and the gateway opens.

[Alert: Signs of Corruption detected on the other side of this gateway. Proceed with caution.]

Agent Black motions for me to go through. After flipping her off, since I was going to go anyway, I go through the portal to see... a city... oh shit.

[Scans indicate no X presence on the planet. Phazon Corrupted individuals are split up in five different warehouses in the city.]

I'm in the middle of a city, in broad daylight, in my armor, and people probably just saw me appear from a portal that then vanished. And now the panicking and screaming. Time to start running so that I don't have to deal with law enforcement.

[Radio signal detected. Receiving transmission...]
Radio: Unknown villain has been spotted phasing into being at the shopping district. Requesting aid of any nearby heroes to help apprehend the fiend.
Me: Rude to assume I'm a villain just because I teleported.


I decide to actually stop and turned around to face the loud man... can people even get that buff without steroids?! The man has blonde hair, I can't see his eyes, and his shirt looks like its about to just stop existing. I tap the side of my helmet.

[Uploading data...]
[Almight, the number 1 Hero: He possesses a quirk known as One for All, and is capable of tearing his own body apart if used at its maximum for too long. Recommendation: Running is pointless and fighting is a deathwish, try diplomacy.]


Me: First, do you understand me?

Almight POV

Villain: Do you understand me?

Why is that the first thing he asks? Is he from another country? That would actually explain the confusion if he doesn't know the laws here.


Villain: I don't know... I just go where the portal takes me. Can you... take me somewhere so we can talk?

Maybe this will be ending without even throwing out a punch, but there's still a major issue here.


The Villain steps back, grabbing their right arm and pointing their cannon towards the ground. Suddenly he flings his fist towards me and a beam comes out, latching to me and pulls me to the ground. Just as I'm about to get up and tackle the fiend, I witness them get struck by a missile. Standing and turning around, a group of six henchmen with blue glowing in their eyes ready their weapons.

HM1: I missed!? Frank, use the new gun!

The fourth one holds a strange looking grenade launcher. The sound of two lasers charging up, one of which was behind me. Jumping in the air I see the Villain from before firing a massive beam, which blasts the henchmen. After the beam ends the Villain's armor starts sparking and breaks apart, revealing a man in a black/red suit.

Villain: All Might, can we... speed this up... so we can discuss?

He's holding his right arm, and I can see why he would prefer to keep that cannon on now. A black-clawed hand with a suspicious slash across the back of it is visible on his right side.


I run towards the henchmen who promptly pass out. The "Villain" sifts through the scrap that was his armor until he grabs his helmet. Police arrive and arrest the henchmen while leading the "Villain" and myself to an interrogation room. Once we're seated in the room, I reverted to my unpowered form and the officers left. As soon as the door clicked shut, he started talking.


Me: What would... no, where... do I start?

All Might is no longer using his quirk, and I could easily beat him even though I'm unarmored, but I feel like having even a temporary ally hero is better than having both villains and heroes after me. To summarize the interrogation; he asked me what I'm doing here, I replied recollecting Phazon, he asks what that is, I tell him it's energy that corrupts the user, and he finally asks if my hand and those henchmen's blue eyes were caused by Phazon, I said yes.

Me: I've gained... an immunity to it... and my hand or cannon can... absorb it or remove it from people or machines, but it's best if my armor is... active so I don't... go in a blind rage.

All Might sits there thinking over everything I've just said, then exits the room. As I sit in the room alone, my armor becomes available to reequip, however it would probably be best to wait until either law enforcement or All Might comes back before doing that. Putting my right hand over my eye, my hand's eye opens and gives me dark vision. I look around a small amount, seeing red silhouettes of humanoid beings on the other side of the mirror, one of which matches All Might. Raising my left hand, I simply wave in his general direction. Suddenly I feel a sharp headache, and pull my hands to the top of my head, shutting all my eyes as I can feel a similar pain as to when that X attacked me.

Me: How much time is left... and will I die or... something worse?

Wiping tears from my main eyes, I open them to see... liquid Phazon on my left hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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