Chapter 1:She's been gone

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Dipper's P.O.V

She was gone.That was the only thing to it.Mabel Pines another face forgotten,but of course not to her family or friends.Its nothing I can't handle,though.Ever since the whole alternate universe deal,nothing is the same for me.Yeah we have yearly vigils and stuff but it's like the worlds gone to a gray blob.But I still spend tireless hours trying to find her.

Dipper Gleeful,Pacifica,and Gideon they all were taken care of.Everything was eventually sorted out,and in return they would send me home.It was really hard for Dipper Gleeful to find out what had happened to his real sister.

Thats was it from them,on the other hand when I got home...they all thought I was dead.Its not all that hard to believe,I mean I was gone for more than a month.But it only felt like a week or so.I was in the hospital for awhile,I had to go to a therapist to seek "psychological help" they said,during each visit I would grow increasingly violent.But that doesn't matter I need to keep focus and find Mabel.I have to stay here in Gravity Falls,Oregon.My parents are trying to make me move with them back home,but it's to hard...all those pictures on the wall of Mabel and her room across from mine.

I needed to stay away from home.I would have to find Mable again.But this time I'll make sure she stays with me.And I'll get her back to normal,to her human self.But I couldn't do that if I were to move away.My parents were supposed to come and pick me up so they could take me with them back home.But like hell I'm letting that happen!I was up in my room,I marched downstairs so I could go outside for a walk.

I went out for walks to clear my thinking to where she could be.I have to keep my walks short,stan would increasingly worry as to where I was going or doing.I started heading back to the shack.I know I put everyone through a lot but I can't help it if Mabel is in danger.And I know I should be cautious as to what I was doing,saying or thinking for that matter.But Mabel's petrified face is what haunts me from time to time.All I want to do is save her...

'from what?'it asked with a gentle voice.

Sheesh,just great now my so called conscious wanted to fight me again,as always.More and more my conscious would start blabbering on about letting go,and it's unhealthy to be obsessed with finding her.We would fight til nights on end.I was certainly not in the mood for yelling at myself once more.I kept my eyes straight trying to ignore everything it was saying.

'Save her from what?Bill?Herself?Or could it'It asked,again.It's asked me this question many times,except for the last part about me.

No it's not me,im trying to protect her from bill and herself.I would never hurt her!

"-ipper!"someone called my name.I looked up and I was already at the shack.Emerging from the woods around it.I noticed it was my mom.

"Dipped what are you doing?Most importantly where were you?!"She rushed over to where I was.I looked at her dazed,she was a day early.I wanted to retreat back to my thoughts...away from people.As scary as it sounds,my mind is the only thing that helps get out of society.Although it could be rather annoying and a bit scary.

"Hello...dipper!Stop daydreaming."She snapped her fingers in front of my face.Although I was still dazed.

"Yeah dip stop day dreaming."A whisper.She was the one who whispered it!Mable!I quickly snapped outta my daze and turned all the way around.Only to find no one was there but me and my mom.But--I still have to ask.

"Mable are you here?!I heard you!"I yelled turing behind me to the wooded area.

"Oh my little dipper."My mom said turning me around and pulling me into a hug.

"It--it was really her this time."I whispered,hugging my mom back trying to convince myself that I wasn't going crazy.Tears flowed from my eyes.Like a waterfall cascading down onto my mom shoulder.

She pulled away and looked at me with great concern.

"Dipper,your dad and I've been talking to your gruncle and he said it was okay for you to stay here with him..."She smiled meekly.

"So I could stay here--"I was interrupted.

"..however your physiatrist thinks it would be good idea for you to socialize,with you know,other kids your age.Not with fairies,gnomes,zombies and what not."She looked me dead in the eye.

"B-but if I go back it'll be to hard for me.It'll be way to hard to be constantly reminded of her.I might even hate he-"I whispered,my head hung low.I couldn't say it,not even think it.Because it's not true!

"Sorry,what was that honey?"She asked with even more concern,if that was possible.

"I said,I could socialize here.I could go to Gravity Falls High and I already have so many friends here,that are my age.And it would be easier to stay here than go back and start over.Please let me stay."I lied.I know for a fact people like to hear what they want to hear,they love lies.

She gave me a questionable look,but inhaled and exhaled.

"Fine you could stay here...but your dad and I will be stopping by at random times just to make sure you're okay."I walked her back to the car where my dad was waiting with the car engine running.

My mom opened the passenger door and told my dad the change of plans.They waved to me and left.Finally,alone now I don't have to worry about them constantly.

I walked into the shack,going up stairs closing the door behind me and unpacked my things.I took out incantations for multiple demons.Now here comes the real problems.

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