Accusations 2 | R.L

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The long awaited part two

It had been years since Y/n had any human contact. She became malnourished and curled onto herself often. This became a habit once she learned that her brother had died. The Minister had been lousy with his Daily Prophet, and Y/n managed to snatch it up. Azkaban taught her skills she'd never thought she'd need, like pickpocketing.

It had been seven years before someone came to get her in the cell. Y/n didn't know the guards by name and didn't care to know them. The male guard with amber eyes and black hair led her to a port key. He didn't say where he was taking her, but his name tag read Jenkins. Mr.Jenkins and Y/n touched the port key. They had been apparated to the Ministry.

They got into the lift, and it brought them down to the courtroom. Y/n shivered at the cold and dry air of the hallway. She stood unmoving, but Mr.Jenkins pulled her by the chains making her walk forward. The courtroom was circular, and she was ordered to sit in the middle of the room. The new Minister of Magic stood at the podium - Cornelius Fudge. The jury stood behind him.

"Today, on December 12, 1988, we will go over the case of Y/n Potter." Fudge informed, "She was twin sister to James Potter, daughter of Euphemia and Fleamont. Also known to be in a relationship with Remus Lupin, a werewolf who got bitten by Fenrir Greyback at the age of four."

A woman with a blonde bob hair cut raised her hand, "Excuse me, Minister, but Ms.Potter has been in Azkaban for seven years. Why are we going over her case now?"

A new voice boomed, confident, assuring, "I am."

Y/n turned to be face to face with someone she thought was dead. His face was sullen and deathly pale. His eyes were sunk into his face. His once pink freckles turned a shade of brown beneath his eyes. His eyes were beautiful graphite, and his body was defined like Achilles's. He looked like a god. There was only one family that looked like gods.

"Regulus Black, son of Walburga and Orion Black, brother to Sirius Black." Fudge introduced.

A man with shaggy red hair interjected, "And how is he credible? He was a Death Eater!"

"Pardon me, sir." That voice, so smooth and confident, "I proved my disloyalty to the Dark Lord when I found out his secret, which I disclosed with the Minister."

The man leaned back and made a 'hmph' sound. Regulus could feel a smirk wanting to grow on his chapped lips. He hadn't felt this smug in a long time. He had tried to tame his appearance best he could. His wavy, black locks down to his jaw, which was sharper than a knife. He put on his best dress robes, the same robes from Walburga's funeral he attended in secret.

"Now, let's begin, shall we?" The jury made a noise of agreement, "Mr.Black, you may go on."

Regulus stood in front of Y/n, "First, I'd like to speak about how she is the twin sister to James Potter. I do not believe that a sibling would betray another."

"Objection!" A man yelled, "Sirius has betrayed you before. Your point doesn't stand."

"Sirius has never harmed me in any way. All of our duels were for show and never meant to harm another. We've only ever used safe spells." Regulus countered, "My point still stands. Y/n Potter would never hurt her twin."

"May I also continue that Peter Pettigrew has been confirmed the traitor." Merlin, smirking, would've felt so good, "If this is the conclusion, why is Ms.Potter still in Azkaban?"

Fudge stroked his beard, "Dumbledores orders."

"And these orders are?"

"She is dangerous and uncontrollable."

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