The beginning of the end

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Hello my name is Tiary and I am 18 years old.I come from a family of six and if am to be honest no one in my family understands me, its like I am the black sheep of the family.

This is my last year in high school and I am just so ecstatic about what's to follow.Not to brag or anything but I am a  scholarly genius and that always haunts me cause alot  people always shun me  and some are just judgemental.In class I sit in the front row and my assignments are always submitted in time.I have one best friend Monica but we don't learn in the same school, I will tell you all about her a little later.I go other friends also buh they are guy friends .I feel like most girls don't understand or like me, I don't why that is though I mean I am not beautiful or anything and I don't have skinny long legs to die for like others girls have. Instead I have thick curved hips and a thin waist line and tiny hands and believe me when I say I would do anything just to be slim and get ride off all the curves despite that they are a trade these days.

Some girls feel intimated by me not knowing that I have  a low self-esteem and that I hate my body, they think that it's perfect because I get alot of attention from guys .Well I guess I can say that my body is kinda cute as I am not too thick buh reasonable think and whatever I wear I rock it but my body wasn't always like this.
Remember I told you about having a best friend"Monica" and that we don't learn together ohh well we used to learn together   at ParkEast  high and at that school I was body shammed so I had to transfer so that I can't start a new life .

Before I started going to my current school Rockford high, I had to exercise day and night just so I could lose some weight and I did because we had a long holiday and that's thanks to the almighty devil COVID 19 because they was a lockdown.And I am truly great ful to it.I am enjoying the attention I get these days, I always get compliments compared to the ill and crude comments used to say to me earlier.

Stay tuned as  I unfold my past pains and relationships together with my present self and the hardships I still face...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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