The Line Between Duty and Desire

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He doesn't make connections with people quickly, and seldom if ever at best. What is it about you? what makes you so damn special? You certainly aren't the only woman to try to catch hia attention.
You've busted down his walls like the Armored Titan, and instead of feeling put off by this fact, he's craving it. Everything you do and everything you say makes him feel just a little bit freer from his own fears. 
Every little barrier you kick in is a blessed relief. He's been thinking about you for the past couple days. He likes your confidence and admittedly, your sass. He feels you're the type of woman who can hold up to a man like him. The difficult asshole.
He likes the way you make him feel.
The sheer torture of it is kind of appealing, like he's on fire and you're holding a bucket of water tauntingly.
'Just say the word', he thinks. 'Say the word and I'll gladly give up this fire to you.' Fuck! And that body language!
This may not be his area of expertise, but even he can't misinterpret your signals.
You want him, he wants you. It's simple, but oh so complicated at the same time.
Sexual tension and a heavy dose of frustration follow him like a shitty cloud that can't bring itself to rain, regardless how dark and fat it gets.
A brewing storm is quite an apt depiction of his days, and Hanji teases him mercilessly about it.

"Go get laid, Levi"

"The air is so thick with your sexual frustrations, everyone in a five mile radius is getting horny."

Anymore comments like that and he's going to lose his shit on the woman.
And look... here she comes, heading towards him with absolute mischief in her eyes.
Four eyes that are about to become two, as he's prepared to knock her shitty glasses off her face.
She seems to actually acknowledge the emotional weather on his face however, and manages to contain herself.

"Erwin would like a word."

He turns on his heel and heads to Erwin's office, doubting this meeting is going to go any better.
His attempts to get Erwin to consider Y/N have been met mostly with silent speculation and a dissecting look that usually just leaves him feeling like he's on an operating table.
He's surprised then, by the marginally amicable look on Erwin's face. Taking a seat, he looks to Erwin expectantly.

"I talked to Ness today, and he would be happy to have Y/N on his squad."

"The fuck he will! This was my bid!"

"Levi, it's become rather apparent that her skills as a soldier are only second to what she may or may not be able to offer you on a personal level. Professionally, it would make more sense to put her on another squad."

"If it wasn't for my recommendation, you wouldn't know we even had this gem hiding in the Garrison!"

"This is true, and I can decline this bid just as easily as I accepted it. It's a conflict of interest, as you are well aware and fraternization is bad enough without adding the fact that the person in question is under your command. You can review Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, if you need the refresher."


"If you're so desperate for companionship Levi, there's countless women in this city who would give whatever limb you deemed unnecessary for a chance to get close to you. Dismissed."

'Yeah, well none of them are her.', he thinks as he gets up from his seat.

With a growl of frustration, he leaves and heads down to his quarters. It's getting close to his training time, and his soldiers should be heading out to the training grounds, They can wait for him.
He doesn't give two shits right now.


Article 134 is a real military code, if anyone is curious. It states "Fraternization becomes a criminal offense under Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice when the conduct "has compromised the chain of command, resulted in the appearance of partiality, or otherwise undermined good order, discipline, authority, or morale," according to the Manual for Courts-Martial. (A fellow soldier in basic training got hit with this particular doozy, and I have not forgotten this article since)

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