Chapter 2

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Still at the club
"Blair!"Yelled out since it was still too loud

"Yes?"Blair asked her friend

"I think I saw Regina"Caroline told Blair

"WHAT"Blair screamed out
"She was gone I made sure!"Blair said while panicking

"Blair she is right behind you!"Caroline said told Blair

Blair walked up to Regina and slapped her
Everyone stop dancing because the slap was loud

"What the hell are you doing her Regina! We made a deal of you coming back to Manhattan!" Screamed Blair from the top of her lungs

"Blair, seems like you haven't change I left town because I was scared of you but I am not anymore." Regina replied in a calm voice like she didn't just get slapped

"Regina you tried to steal my boyfriend and my friends! That's why I told you all of that. Regina I gave you a place to sleep food! Yet you still betrayed me ok I trusted you! Yet you still hurt me." Blair cried out
Blair had enough and slapped her again

"You bitch" Regina said slapping Blair back
They both started fighting. Blair got Regina's oily blond hair and threw her on the ground. She remembered when Elijah taught her a little bit how to fight after Blair got assaulted by a crazy person that wanted the friend groups life.
Regina flipped Blair. Regina grabbed Blair's hair and smacked her again Blair got herself up and dragged Regina from the hair threw her on the ground and punched her in the face Repeatedly. Blair thought Regina had a punchable face and she was right. Elijah quickly came and grabbed Blair like she was a feather Blair's legs kept moving .

"Blair enough!"yelled Elijah

"Regina leave town or you know what I will do"Blair yelled at her

"Fine but I will be back"Laughed Regina

Caroline left as soon as she saw Blair winning the fight. She saw Klaus alone sitting down she felt bad so she walked up to him.
"Hey"Caroline said to him
"Hey love"Klaus replied
"How are you?" Caroline asked
"Caroline, I know you like me"Klaus said out of the blue
"Whattt no " Caroline said clearly lying

"Rebekah told me"Klaus told her

"Fine yes I do"Caroline told him

"Caroline, I like you too" Klaus told her

"Klaus"Caroline couldn't lie if she said she wasn't happy she heard him say that.

"One date Caroline and I prove you why you should be with me" Klaus said to her
"Also love about cami I am sorry about her I was talking with her but then something happened"

"It's alright"Caroline whispered
"And about the date I accept tomorrow at 7:30 pm "Caroline told him
"See you then love"Klaus said leaving the club
Caroline blushed then remembered of Blair she saw the girls and went up to them to ask about Blair
"Girls have you see Blair?"Caroline told them
"No"said Kathrine
"I saw her fighting with Regina but then I didn't see her leave"Davina told her
"I saw her leaving with Elijah in the limo "Rebekah said while texting on her phone
"Ok thank you" Caroline said running to the limo

"It's alright"Caroline whispered "And about the date I accept tomorrow at 7:30 pm "Caroline told him "See you then love"Klaus said leaving the clubCaroline blushed then remembered of Blair she saw the girls and went up to them to ask about Blair "...

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Gossip girl, hereMorning upper east side Manhattan looks like last night our queen b was spotted fighting with a blond girl people thought it was Caroline but wrong Caroline didn't wear a black dress she wore a green one. Who must that be? Anyway C and K were also spotted talking and laughing and flirting? Was I right about C's new king being K?xoxo gossip girl you know you love me

"I called it care I knew I was going to be on gg!"Blair yelled out

"Well you fought with someone of course you were going to be on gg, what did you expect?" Caroline told her friend

"C I know you're going on a date with Klaus " Blair told her
"B I wasn't ready to tell you but I was going to tonight because idk what to wear!"cried Caroline stressed out

"Don't worry hun I got this covered "Blair said smirking

Hey loves this was another chapter yes I know Klaus and Caroline was not a slowburn but whatever I just need them together asap Stefan and kol and Damon will be in the next chapter! When they decided to go in a hunted house for Halloween I might post that chapter today or tomorrow I will try to post 2 or 3 chapters a day. I am also not going to make Kathrine and Damon end up together for reasons I just don't ship them and they hey both deserve better I just didn't want anyone to be left alone ❤️
Next chapter is Halloween then thanksgiving and then Christmas a lot of gossip will be spilled on the thanksgiving chapter only 2 more chapters to go! Hope you liked this one and have a amazing rest of your day!❤️
P.s I forgot to check for spelling mistakes 😢

s I forgot to check for spelling mistakes 😢

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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