Meeting Cynthia | Chapter 1

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Hello again, I don't know what to say here, but that Pokemon does not belong to me and everything used belongs to their respective owners, and play Pokemon Conquest!

Back with Y/n and Oichi...

As Y/n and Oichi both continued walking towards the building that the pilot had pointed at, the two received a few stares from some, particularly girls staring at Y/n which caught the eye of Oichim which caused her to grow a little jealous.  "Hey, Y/n!" Oichi said as she stopped in her tracks to get Y/n'sattention.

"Yeah? What do you need Oichi?" Y/n asked a little confused at what his friend needed from him, but suddenly Oichi then grabbed his free hand and held it tightly while holding Jigglypuff in her other arm. "You wanted to hold hands?" Y/n questioned Oichi who just smiled at him which sigh but continued their walk after a few seconds.

At the Building...

After a few more minutes of walking both Y/n and Oichi still holding hands had arrived at the large building that had the words "Zhery Airport". 'I believe that this is the building that the pilot was pointing to,' Y/n thought as they walked into the building. In the building, the two saw many walking and running trying to get from place to place particularly those who were in business suits and some were just sitting down in seats waiting for their vehicle or plane to arrive.

"Wait, where is Cynthia? Didn't that pilot tell us that she was-" Y/n said but was cut off by a hand being placed on his shoulder, and it caused him to jump forward and quickly turn around and Oichi looked behind and they were surprised at who they saw.

"Wait, where is Cynthia? Didn't that pilot tell us that she was-" Y/n said but was cut off by a hand being placed on his shoulder, and it caused him to jump forward and quickly turn around and Oichi looked behind and they were surprised at who the...

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"Oh, it's you Ms, Cynthia!" Y/n then said surprised, as Oichi looked over and stared at Cynthia in awe staring at her long blonde hair.

"Nice to see you again Y/n and it is also nice to meet your friend," Cynthia said with a smile directly on her face.

"Oh, this is my best friend Oichi! She also comes from the Ransei region and is the region's greatest beauty, I hope it is ok if she comes with me," Y/n said to Cynthia who just kept on smiling.

"Well first, nice to meet you Oichi I am Cynthia I am known as the champion among champions and the principal of Zhery academy. Oh yeah, Y/n don't worry it's fine we just have to make arrangements for her. I have a few more questions that I want to ask you two, but we can do that while we get to the academy. Follow me ok, our ride should be here soon" Cynthia said to the two who nodded and followed her.

After a few minutes of walking, they had made it to a parking lot filled with cars, but suddenly a black limousine had pulled up and Cynthia opened the door on the side offering them to go inside, which they accepted.

In the limousine...

On one side of the limousine sat Cynthia staring at the Oichi and Y/n who looked around the limousine mesmerized at the sight they which caused Cynthia to chuckle quietly to herself.

"So what do you think about the outfit that I sent you Y/n?" Cynthia said to Y/n who then looked down at his outfit.

"Its okay, but don't you think that this will be a bit to flashy?" Y/n questioned Cynthia who just shook her head, which caused him to sigh, but then Oichi then hugged him by his neck.

"I like it! Plus it just makes you look cooler," Oichi said to Y/n who blushed at the comment which got Oichi and Cynthia to giggle.

"So how are your thoughts on the Zhery region so far?" Cynthia asked the two who then turned to face her.

"I like it, while we were on that flying vehicle we already saw some new pokemon!" Oichi said excitedly and Cynthia nodded towards her and then faced Y/n.

"So your thoughts Y/n?" Cynthia questioned Y/n.

"I think that it's fine, I haven't been around the region to tell if I like it or not, but one question that I have is why do I have to put my pokemon in these ball things?" Y/n asked Cynthia confused while holding out a Pokeball.

"I think that it's fine, I haven't been around the region to tell if I like it or not, but one question that I have is why do I have to put my pokemon in these ball things?" Y/n asked Cynthia confused while holding out a Pokeball

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"Oh, your talking about a Pokeball. Yeah, you have to put them in a Pokeball so other trainers can't catch your pokemon, but it's also a way that you can control your pokemon as well as you can heal them at a pokemon center," Cynthia explained to Y/n who nodded.

"Wait what's a pokemon center?" Oichi asked Cynthia who looked surprised.

"You don't know what a pokemon center is?" Cynthia asked the two surprised that they didn't know what a pokemon center and it surprised her even more that they both shook their heads.

"In the Ransei region we don't have Pokemon Centers, what are they?" Y/n asked Cynthia who looked dumbfounded but shook her head.

"Well in short context a pokemon center is a place where trainers can go to heal their pokemon, switch their pokemon in a PC, and they can also trade their pokemon with other trainers in the pokemon center and in different regions," Cynthia explained to the two who nodded. The car then stopped and Cynthia looked outside a window to see that they have arrived their destination.

 The car then stopped and Cynthia looked outside a window to see that they have arrived their destination

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"Woah..." Oichi and Y/n let out as they stared in awe at the large building that stood before them which got Cynthia to chuckle a little bit to herself, but then she got out of the limousine and Y/n and Oichi followed her and Cynthia stood in front of the building and then faced both Oichi and Y/n.

"This is Zhery Academy! This will be your school or academy as well as your home for 4 years then you can decide when you want to leave, but welcome to the academy you two!" Cynthia said with enthusiasm as the two stared at her.

To Be Continued...

Well I am done with the first official chapter for this book I know I posted this a day after I had made the prologue, but don't expect daily updates! Most days I like to spend the day playing chess and procrastinating, but have a good day and play Pokemon Conquest!

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