Alone. (pt2)

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"Who are you?" a woman's voice came from upstairs

"Who are you?" Jessica said and went next to her lover. Both heard the footsteps approaching them until a young woman at the age of 26 appeared on top of the stairs. Of course, the lights were still out so the only thing they could see was her petit figure under the moonlight coming from the window behind her.

Jessica finally walked past her lover and turned on the lights, looking at her, "Who are you?"

"I'm Walker's girlfriend," she said and widened her eyes, once she finally realized with whom she was talking

"Where is Walker?"

"He's out" she replied and crossed her arms

"I'm Walker's mom"

"Oh, I know. It's such an honor"

"He didn't tell me he was gonna be here and with company, I'm Jessica Lange," she said and lifted her right hand to greet the girl

"I'm Helen, nice to meet you," she said and finally walked down to greet her, she turned to Susan as well.

"Susan, nice to meet you"

Jessica looked at her lover, "Fuck" she mouthed making her chuckle

"So when is he coming back?"

"I think in a while, he went out to bring us something to eat"

"How long are you staying here?"

"We said for the weekend but we should probably leave, we don't wanna bother you"

"Nonsense, you're not bothering us, right, Jess?"


The three women turned once they heard Walker inserting his keys, he opened the door and froze, "Mom?" he looked then at Susan "Susan?"

"Walker, what a surprise" she whispered and went to her son, hugging him, "You didn't tell me you got a girlfriend" she whispered into his ear

"What are you doing here?"

"In my house? Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be here?"

"Guess you met, Helen, right?"

"Of course, what a lovely girl"

"And Helen, you met my mom and that's Susan, mom's..."


Walker looked at her, "Yeah, mom's friend"

"Of course, we met"

"So, we're going upstairs, do, what it is you were doing," she said and picked up her bags, "Mom, I wanna talk to you for a second"

"Of course" she replied and let her things, walking into the kitchen with her son following

"That was awkward," Susan said laughing

"I know right?"

"So how long are you two together?"

"A month, but we're like so in love"

"That's... nice"

"And when he said to come here for the weekend I thought, okay, it's gonna be the weekend, he would finally propose to me but then he said something about his friends coming here and..."

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