Unending loop

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      Hi stranger

It seems ive tried so many times,so many times that now it hurts

Looking at the mirror and telling myself "never again"

Saying "this time will be different, no more mistakes"

I walk out with with a smile on my face wondering "can they all see what I'm trying to hide,Is it even worth trying again?"

I falter,looking back, isn't this what I said last time?

Why am I stuck in this loop?

This unending cycle of hurt,of pain,of regrets and of betrayal

For many years I've felt so cursed,bound to re-walk the path I've walked before,bound to make mistakes I've made before

People say experience is a best teacher but what they never tell you is that it's also such a beautiful destroyer

I'm trapped,trying so hard not to walk on brittle glass

Oh world why do you treat me this way,am I not as good as everyone else?

Will I ever be free from this unending cycle?

Hey stranger,it's seems I'm lost once again,pretending I'm something I'm not

With an identity of fairytale

Hey stranger,will I ever break free?


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