Chapter 4

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Andrews POV
I have the feeling lots of people like me and not in a cocky way just I have the feeling. In Mr. Smiths class Harper fell asleep and Mr. Smith woke her up in the most funny way I started bursting out laughing I could tell she was embarrassed but after all it was kind of nice because I never really liked Harper she was always bragging about softball and about her plants and Courtney wasn't much better her spider eyelashes, her really straight blonde hair always bragging about the beach and volleyball out of their trio I like Sofie the most still not alot since I'm dating Ellie I just like Sofie a bit better because she doesn't try to hard and she is nicer so at lunch I had to sit facing Courtney and it made me almost gag so I switched seats and now I'm facing Sofie and time to time we look up at the same moment and we make eye contact and alot of the time it is awkward. I sit next to Ellie but sometimes she makes me feel fat at restaurants when I order tons of meat and she just orders a salad I guess for cheerleading and she acts like all my meat isn't going to anything when realistically it's going to football but she isn't mean about it and she doesn't do it on purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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