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It was the next and last day for the green at middle school he had made sure to wake up early not wanting to see the angry blonde on the way to , once izuku had put his uniform on he had realized that he forgot his bag and that it was back with the brunt older " shit " the green muttered to himself. As he checks the time he decided to go now again not wanting to see the angry blonde , izuku quickly ran down the stairs grabbing a single piece of toast speeding out the door, once he had arrived at the hellish school it was only 7:10 am ' damn I really am early ' the small green thought after what felt like years it was finally 8:30 izuku ran straight to class not wanting to run into some drama on the way but it did it not go to plan BOOM BOOM BOOM !! The green could hear coming closer and closer , the green turned around only to be meet with a males chest looking up he saw devil like crimson eyes staring down at him " where were u deku !! " the angry blonde yelled spitting a little on the smaller boy " i- i-" before izuku could say anything he was meet with an explosion to the face " you think your better then me huh nerd!!" Katsuki yelled with a growl like tone . The blonde lifted up his arm izuku squinted his eyes ready to be meet with another of ' kacchans ' deadly explosions but the ball had rung signaling that class had started the green took the blondes pause as an escape and ran to class. Once izuku had arrived to the small cramped class he realized he was 10 minutes late, as the green was mentally cursing to himself the teacher began " your late midoriya " there was a slight yell towards the end of his sentence " s- sorry sir i- " before izuku could finish the teacher interrupted him " I don't care you have detention with me this afternoon" the teacher spoke with a slight smirk. The green gulped hard " OIII " Izuku turnt around to see again the angry blonde " bakugo you late again " the teacher said but not as angry as he was to the green " so what " the angry blonde spat back " nothing go sit down you to midoriya " with out hesitaten izuku was quick to his seat " oi DEKU " izuku looked towards the angry blonde " y- yes kacchan ?" You could hear the tremble in the greens voice " I'm going to kill you nerd " then katsuki kicked his desk so it fell over along with izukus " deku you are a piece of shit " the room was filled with silence and as if the others were suddenly blind " why don't you just kill yourself you useless bitch " that line is what made the green crack

gone bad ☆ villain deku ☆ 💜 Dabideku 💚Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant