Ch.2 The school

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TW: This chapter contains mentions of r@pe and attempts. U have been warned.

|Peace in ✌🏻

Mono's pov:
I held Seven in my arms and I could tell he was getting comfortable. I went through the beach into some open door that eventually closed behind me.. Everything was destroyed and clothes were hanging from broken tv that was hanging from the ceiling where was a huge hole. I hope that I don't have to go there later or sooner tbh.
There was another hole in wall so I put Seven through it and on one box before I went there.

"Can U walk yet? At least try it"
We were currently in the streets. Everything was or looked dead.
Seven was still sitting on that box near ground and I stood about 6 meter away from him "Come to me Seven, come on try it, I'll catch u if u fall" He really hesitated before standing up carefully "Be careful"
He nodded and began to walk. He jumped on the leg where his chain was and jumped to me.
I caught him. "U were supposed to walk not jump you know" Sticked his tongue at me once again. "Whatever. Let's go" across the window that we jumped through was another one. I helped Seven up and he sat on that window waiting for me. When we were both inside it looked like barber shop and again clothes everywhere..

We went through some rooms where was literally nothing useful, just broken TVs and boxes. Maybe some bricks too.
I again helped Sev up to one smaller window. As I was about to jump there too I noticed a tv static.. I carefully ignored it and just went about my day. I'm not dealing with this shit again.
Fell on container that was luckily full and caught Seven. He nodded as a thanks and i nodded back.

Seven's Pov:
Mono was helping me a lot.. not like I don't appreciate it but I just feel useless you know.. He again collected me in bridal style and went across another street where I saw a big fence and a container in front of it. Behind it was school playground and school itself.
Mono put me on the ground and went to push the container but it was too heavy for him so I stood up and jumped over to help. He tired to sat me down but didn't succeed. I held to the container and he gave up. We both began to push it and it started to move. There was a hole in that fence just enough big for both of us.
He helped me to one swing.

"Oh and before I forget, come here and sit down" I did as I was told and sat on the swing. Mono pulled out of his coat a bandage and started to heal my leg
"Fuck.." I cursed quietly but not enough for him to hear. It was painful. Really painful.

When he was done I tried to walk and it was a lot better than before. "Can u walk on your own?" I nodded and we started to walk towards the school. It was pretty big school with big clock in shape of eye above the entrance and window under it. Did I mentioned that it was still foggy and there was just one lamp?? Now u know.
The door were closed. At least I noticed a rope like clothes hanging so we climbed it. I had some troubles but made it. I went first and Mono second. I suppose it was because he wanted to make sure that I won't fall..

When we entered the building there was a weird pic of a teacher I suppose or just some old women on the wall. Clothes and backpacks almost everywhere as well with papers. Also there was a trash can and smoke went out of it. We ignored it and continued by that long hallway. We eventually made a turn where more weird pics of even weirder people were hanging or on the ground. There were one door opened so we went there. It was a room full of beds, toys, clothes, etc..
I picked up a ball and Mono a brick.
When we went out I noticed a lever so I tried to pull it down but couldn't jump so Mono pulled it and light went out. There was a creepy old lady pic on one wall and her eyes were pointing on the ground.
Mono tried to put the brick on the ground but I stopped him and pointed to the painting.

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