My babies!!

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I can't believe I am finally a mum the last few hours have been the most tiring and the most rewarding of my life. I am sat in my bed feeding my twin babies while David is taking photos and getting all the stuff I need while Court is just watching us all with the biggest smile on her face. I don't think I have ever been happier in my life. 

Jen: Baby, can you take a photo of us in black and white so I can post it on Instagram later so we can announce that they are here. 

David: Yeh of course babe, I have taken loads already you can chose also I have one of Court holding them.

Jen: Okay that's good as I want to tell everyone that thanks to Court they are here and also I have one of you doing skin to skin with them both. 

Court: Can you send them to me too as I want to say ow proud of you both I am and also show how cute my god children are. 

The twins had finished feeding now and David had just put them down for a nap while I went to have a shower after giving birth I felt like I needed one. I put on some comfy PJ's and walked down stairs the best I could even though I was so sore I wanted to get see what David was doing and watch some tv while to twins are sleeping as I feel like it wont happen much. 

I got some water and sat on the sofa next to David and Court as I saw they were figuring out which ones they wanted to post and what to say so I got my phone and did the same thing. I chose a picture of me with my son the second he was born when Courteney placed him on my chest and the same type of picture with my daughter then one of their first feed, I also picked one of Courteney holding them and one of David holding them. 

***Jen's caption***

On this day May 27th David and I have welcomed our babies into the world. Earlier today at 11:01 our Son made his way into this world weighing 6lb 1oz 10 minutes later at 11:11 our daughter made her way into this world weighing at 5lb 11oz. They would not be here without my amazing friend and today midwife Courteney Cox, she safely helped me deliver my twins in the comfort of our own home. All of us are healthy and happy, what a year it has been. 

***David's caption***

On this day May 27th Jen and I have welcomed our babies into the world. Earlier today at 11:01 our Son made his way into this world weighing 6lb 1oz 10 minutes later at 11:11 our daughter made her way into this world weighing at 5lb 11oz. I could not be prouder of my Fiancée than I am right now, she has been nothing but strong through out the entire pregnancy and especially today. Also Courteney, thank you for safely delivering our babies into this world me and Jen will ever forget everything you did for us today. They will definitely love their god mum. 

***Courteney's caption***

Well today was a different day to most. Not many people can say that I helped to deliver my god children but I can say that I delivered my God children. Today at 11:01 and 11:11 Jen and David welcomed their baby boy and Baby girl into this world. All of them are healthy and I can't wait till I can spoil them rotten. What happens at Aunty Court's stay at Aunty Court's!!

***Jen's pov***

I read all the captions once they were posted and it made me cry reading everyone nice comments on the post and all of my friends messages. I decided to call my dad now before he found out through the news.

Jen: Hey daddy or should I say grandad

John: OH baby girl I am so proud of you. I cant wait to meet them, you are going to be the best mum ever to them.

Jen: Aww thank you daddy, I will send you pictures of your Grandson and Granddaughter.

John: I am sure they are perfect Jenny just like you.

Me and my dad were on the phone for a bit before I heard crying coming from the nursery, I went to get up but David got up and said he would bring them down. 


I have no idea what the twins names should be so please comment some idea and I will pick the two that I think work best. also thank you for all the love wit this book it means a lot to me. 

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