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Pit- Okay! Lucy gave the wattpad to us so we have to answer your questions and update his Mike x Reader and stuff.

Pittoo- which I will try to put as much disgusting and gorey stuff in as possible.

Pit- Anyway... *silently reads even thought he can't* I'm gonna enjoy this one... *evil laughs*

In Palutena's kitchen...

Palutena- Pittoo... Could you help me with this, please?

Pit- *doing pittoo voice* Sure! I'll everything if you want!

Palutena- that is oddly... Nice of you.

Pittoo- Where's mah friggin sandwich, women?! *but he's on like the other half of skyworld*

Palutena- *thru telepathy* c'mon Pittoo! You promised that you would help me out! *warps him*

Pittoo- *growls and glares at Pit-

Pit- \030/ -runs away-

Pittoo- *gets down on his knees and picks up all the dishes* oookkkkkaaaayyyyyy...............

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