A teenager in love.

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A/N it's all in one part so yeah. Keep up. This was a story I had to write for my homework but I actually ended up liking it so yeah here.

The nights remained bare, the winds still cold and the world still dead. But yet one thing remained for me. Hope. I had hope. Now hope of what could have many different answers. After all there was so many things I could hope for. Water, food, clean air or well atleast breathable air. Or even just for some sound, most of us survived the original deathwave but after mother nature sent two more, everyone and everything died. Well not everyone, I survived, I was hit by the first deathwave but I miraculously survived. I've been different ever since though. For example during the daytime I go blind even if I'm inside. So I could only travel at night, but I'm thankful for it, the days were to hot to travel in the day time anyway. After the last war better known as the war that did end all wars, the ozone layer was fried. So in other words if I were able to see at day I'd be melted before I got more than five feet. The nights were thankfully far cooler and way prettier. But the radiation didn't go, I still needed to wear a gas mask, as broken and as beaten as it was it still held life, my life. I had to be careful with what I handled too. Anything that was too close to the original war heads was dangerous.

I begin to hum to myself quietly although it didn't really matter. But any sound in this world was better than the normal. Not even the wind whistled and howled like it once had. The world for the first time since the beginning of time had stilled and became hushed.

The grass now more dirt than anything crumbled beneath my feet. The trees off in the distance swayed as if they were dancing in the wind. They danced as if it had been recited a thousand times before. What I'd give to have one last dance with my love. For me the world didn't end after the first deathwave. It ended when she died. It ended when she said goodbye.

The cold air brushed my fingertips bringing me back to reality and knocking me from my day dream. The one where her and I were slow dancing under the stars. Peacefully. As peaceful as the end of the world is, I'll never know true peace without her.

My feet grew tired and my legs sore, I look up and see a beaten old wooden house standing tall and proud infront of me. The sun would soon rise and bring along its melting, temperatures with it. Looks like this place is gonna have to do.

I walk up the creaking steps and reach the weathered door. I reach for the handle and try to push the door open. Clank. I look down in confusion to find the source of the noise. A rusted metal chain meets my gaze. The thick chain sported a padlock that had stood its time against the elements.

I slip my bag off my shoulder and unzip it. I didn't want to destroy the chain so first I'm gonna try picking the lock. I begin working the lock but to no avail the mechanism was far to rusted over for me to get any luck. Now my problem was I didn't exactly have anything to break the chain with.

I look around and see that over to my left there's some form of wooden structure, a shed maybe. I walk over and thankfully this door was open, I walk inside and see multiple tools all of different skill and use. After a good five minutes of looking I finally manage to find something useful. A pair of bolt cutters. I head back to the door mentally thanking whatever gods there were above. The chains land on the rotting planks with a thud.

I place down the bolt cutters and open the door. It's definitely not what I was expecting, the rooms unscathed, all as if the people just up and left three years ago but the deathwave never hit home. I walk around, everything so perfectly in place. I end up in the living room, it looked as If it was from before my time. There was no TV, the wallpaper tidy but outdated. In the corner of the room stood a lonely table with nothing but a radio on. I doubt it still worked, nothing electronical did anymore.

I decided this is where I'd spent the daytime, it was safe and there was little I could walk into. I look out of the window, the golden hue of the morning slowly becoming visible. With that my sight slowly bluring till I couldn't see anymore.

I release a small sigh and head to what I presume is the middle of the room. As I went to sit myself down on the floor I heard a noise. At first it was just static until it became clearer. It was coming from the direction of the radio. It got clearer and clearer till it was audible. I couldn't believe it, there was a song playing. It was one I knew all too well. A memory comes back to me as the song plays. I was dancing with her, my love. We were dancing to 'A teenager in love' by Dion the Belmonts. A smile crept onto my face but quickly left as the memory faded.

My head hurt slightly and I looked down, it took me a minute to realise I could see. My hands were visible. I hear a soft voice call my name and I look up. It's her. She holds out her hand waiting for mine to fill the gap. "Have this dance with me?" She questioned. Still dazed I take her hand and we begin dancing.

It's only then did I realise it wasn't the world that was dead, it was us. The world disapproved of our relationship. And so the final question remained. 'Why must I be a teenager in love?'

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