13 | 離婚

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JENNIE OPENED HER EYES and blinked to adjust to the darkness. Her body was cocooned in warmth, and she let out a drowsy yawn.

She was curled against Taehyung chest, his arms wrapped around her. A bare back pressed into hers, and she glanced over her shoulder, trying to see if it was jungkook or jimin.

Best she could make out, it was Jungkook. She frowned. Where was Jimin?

"You're awake," Taehyung murmured.

She ducked her head shyly, glad he couldn't see her well in the darkness.

His arms tightened around her and he tucked her head under his chin.

"Are you all right?"

She nodded against his chest. She was better than all right. She'd never felt righter in her life.

She snuggled deeper into his chest, loving how safe she felt in his arms. She turned up her face so that her lips were in the direction of his ear.

"Where is Jimin?"

Taehyung stiffened slightly but continued to rub his hand up and down her back.

"He went to his room," he said quietly.


Taehyung leaned back on his pillow, taking her with him so her head was cushioned on his arm. He stared up at the ceiling.

"He doesn't sleep well. He has nightmares, and he doesn't want us to hear."

Jennie frowned. She knew she'd seen torment in Jimin's eyes, but what could be so bad that even his sleep would be haunted?

"Jimin got back from military a little less than a year ago. He was Special Forces, got captured behind enemy lines. He was a POW for several weeks before our men got in to rescue him. He hasn't been the same since."

"What happened?" she asked in horror, afraid to know what he might have endured.

Taehyung sighed. "I wish I knew. He won't talk about it."

"Will you two shut up so I can sleep?" Jungkook complained, his voice muffled by his pillow.

She grinned and elbowed him in the side.

How natural it felt to be in bed with these two men, comfortable, easy, no awkwardness.

Jungkook rolled over and slid his hand up over her breast.
"I'm glad to see we didn't kill you."

She smiled. "But what a way to go."

"Come snuggle me. Taehyung's gotten you the entire night," Jungkook groused.

She giggled but curled into his arms and laid her head on his chest.

"Now shut up and go back to sleep," he muttered.

She closed her eyes, marveling at how truly happy she felt.

When jennie woke again, sunlight streamed through the window, nearly blinding her as she cracked her eyes open. She was alone in the bed, a fact she found disappointing.

ꗃ: 𝗘𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗟 𔘓. 𝗍𝖺𝖾𝗃𝖾𝗇𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄 ! 𓂅 Where stories live. Discover now