Chapter 1

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My name is Freya. I'm Hilda's older sister, we have a really good relationship and spend a lot of time together. She's a extraordinary human being and I really love her, it's just that I would like to have a normal life and have real friends and maybe I girlfriend. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for our house, my family and I LOVE the country, but sometimes I want to talk to someone at my own age (penpals don't count)

|a day later
Today was really weird. There was an attack at our house. BY ELVES. Super tiny, invisible elves. They hate us and want us to move and I have to be honest I am not that mad, but Hilda is and she would do everything to make it possible for us to stay here.
She also told that the weird little elf, who showed up at our house. His name is Alfur and he's very sweet. My problem with him is that he wants to help Hilda. He wants to talk to the elf government (or however it's called) and ask them to allow us to keep living here.

|Hey, so this was the first chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. Also please don't be mad at me if I make grammatical mistakes, because ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LANGUAGE!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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