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So, this short story is dedicated to Carey Anne and the ladies who were in on my Zoom call, Clo, Aileen, Emma, Consuelo, Alyscia, Trina, Brier Lynn and Krida. It will be a drabblish story, with shorter chapters. Shorter chapters mean quicker updates! :-)

This is not mine. I don't own Twilight, but I wish I did. Sigh ...

Are you ready for the epilogue? I cannot believe that this will wrap up this story. No sequels are planned, and I've got my next story in the cue. Now, I'm very grateful for everyone who's taken the time to read and review my story. I'm also eternally grateful for the ladies on my Zoom call for Carey Anne a year ago who inspired me to write this story.

Without further ado ...

Chapter Twenty-One


March 30th, 2021

San Diego, California

Sitting in their van, Bella and Edward were working on their next YouTube video. It was a compilation of their time in San Diego, including some surfing, kayaking La Jolla, hitting up some of the best restaurants and spending time at the San Diego Zoo. With each video, their audience grew. They hit the mother lode when it came to the YouTube algorithm. Their channel hit 250,000 subscribers the day their first video for their van travels hit the internet. There were so many congratulations for their engagement and well-wishes for the beginning of their journey.

"I really like the freedom of traveling in this van. We're working on a beach, watching the sunset," Edward said, smiling at his fiancée.

"I was hesitant to take this leap," Bella murmured honestly, pulling her legs up.

Edward looked at her, arching a brow. This was the first she'd mentioned it, but kind of understood why she would be. "How so?"

"Part of it was my fears," she shrugged. "I was waiting for something to muck things up. Self-fulfilling prophecy or some shit."

"And the other part?"

"I was waiting for you to throw me aside or lose you like everyone else in my life," she sighed. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm here with you. It's everything I ever dreamed of and more. I have a partner who adores me. You've given me everything I ever wanted – a family."

He put his computer to the side and pulled Bella into his lap. "I'd never throw you aside, Glitter. Never. You're my soul mate. The yin to my yang," he smirked. She snickered, trailing her fingers through the soft curls at the nape of his neck. "I will always be with you, on your side, Bella. You're my best friend and so much more. I was content before I met you, but now? I'm eager to face the next day with you, love."

"I love you, Edward. So much," she whispered, kissing his lips. They lost themselves in their embrace for a few moments until Bella's cell phone rang. It was Miss Alice's ring tone. "Nooooooo!"

"You look forward to these phone calls, baby," Edward snickered. "Tell Miss Alice that I say hi. I'm going to try and get some editing done. I also want to get our next episode scheduled on YouTube."

"Okay," she grinned, climbing off his lap, and swiping her phone. "Can you also make dinner? There's enough for a stir fry in the fridge."

"Will do," he said, waving as she walked out to the beach with a blanket to take the call from Miss Alice.

Spreading the blanket on the cool sand, Bella plopped down and answered her cell. "Hi, Miss Alice," Bella sang. "How's the condo?"

"Your plants are still green," Miss Alice snickered. "How are things on the road? Have you given Edward road head yet?"

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