Chapter 7

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Brennan hobbled into the Jeffersonian. She received her badge from security and went to her office. Angela spotted her and called to her. "Bren wait!" Brennan had no choice but to turn around and talk to her friend.
"Ange what do you need?" Brennan asked when her friend reached her. Angela looked at Brennan's eye and her crutches.
"What happened to your eye and ankle?" Angela said with a surprised tone.
Brennan sighed before replying. "My ankle is just sprained and my eye is bruised."

Angela smiles. "Way to state the obvious, Bren." Brennan smiles. "Now come on tell me what happened. I need to know." Angela says. Brennan is quiet for a minute. 

"It is actually quiet a rediculous reason why my ankle is sprained. Yesterday, my new intern got mad and shoved me twice and called me some cruel things. When I got home to change, I went in my room and tripped over a drawer that was hidden by my comforter and bed spread sheets." Brennan starts. "Luckily, Booth and Parker were at my house and Booth helped me get ready." Angela is shocked about the last part.

"Wait, Bren are you and Booth like a thing now? Isn't he dating Hannah?" Angela asks curiously.
Brennan gives a disapproving look and shakes her head. 

"No, we aren't a 'thing'. And no, Booth isn't dating Hannah. They broke up this morning." A devious grin appeared in Angela's facial expression. 

"So Booth is single!? Bren if you don't make a move on him by tomorrow evening, I will." with that, Angela takes off in the opposite direction of Brennan.

Brennan just shakes her head and heads toward the platform. Their most recent victim of homocide was laying on the table. Cam had cleaned the flesh off the bones and for that, Brennan was grateful. She hobbled over to the table and carefully set her crutches against it so they wouldn't fall down. She then picked up one of the ribs and began to examine it. The rib had a small fracture along it, there was even a sliver of it missing. The shard that was missing wouldn't cause the victim to die so Brennan gently placed it back on the table. Her head hurt after looking at the rib. If she continued to squint at the bones, she would have a massive headache. Brennan tenderly touched around her eye and flinched as she did so. Sighing, Brennan picked up another bone. 

After about an hour of working on the platform, Brennan's head was pounding. She decided to head back into her office and do paperwork. As she was getting ready to get off the platform, Hodgins steps up.

"Hey Dr. B. What happended to your leg?" Hodgins asks cooly.

"My ankle is just sprained." Brennan replies flatly.

"The approximate time of death was around 12:45 in the morning." Hodgins nods towards the body.

"Thanks for letting me know, Hodgins. If you'll excuse me, I am going to head into my office for a bit. Come get me or hollar if you find anything important." she once again heads to her office. Hodgins stays on the platform for a minute before heading to his office to analyze some of the particulates.

Once in the confines of her office, Brennan sighs. She was very exhuasted and it wasn't even the afternoon yet. Brennan sits in her desk chair and logs into her computer. While she was working on some paperwork, she began to drift off. Eventually her eyes closed and she fell asleep.

Author's Note: I know, it has been quite a while since I have updated. I apologize for not updating, I had major writers' block. I'm back now! This chapter is probably really short. But the next one will probably be longer. Again, I apologize for not updating sooner.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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