Depressing stuff that you can skip over if you want

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Ok, so. I think I have depression, I'm always on the verge of tears, my best friends barely know me. Who am I kidding? NOBODY knows me as who I am. Mum, dad, I'm not that perfect little girl you think I am. I'm not you. I'm my own person! I have thoughts, feelings, ideas,I want to live, have a family, grow up, live with people who accept me for who I am, not who they want me to be. I spend my nights crying alone in my room. I spend my days perfecting a smile to hard my sadness. Secretly, I hope someone, anyone, will see through my mask. They never do. I'm convinced I'm not strong enough, smart enough. This is what I have become, just because of my thoughts. Sorry for this, I just had to say something to someone, even if they don't care. Thank you.

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