Seeing Her Again

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Julianna has always been my best friend. We've been best friends since 1st grade. Nothing has ever gotten between us. Until about 2 months ago. Her and her boyfriend Josh have been fighting a lot lately and he's getting more and more controlling everyday. He has control over her phone and basically everything. It's so bad, that I haven't gotten to talk to her in over 3 weeks.

~Christine's Thoughts~

Ugh. I miss her so much. I thought to myself. I don't want to message her thought because I almost know for sure she won't answer. Even if I talked to her I wouldn't know what to say. It feels like it's been years since i've seen her last. I feel like we aren't even friends anymore. I hope she's safe and doing well though. Just because we haven't seen each other or talked in a while still means were friends, sisters still right? Anyways I have to get ready to go to the store. My Christmas cookies aren't going to bake themselves.

                    ~End of Christine's Thoughts~

As I was walking to the store, I didn't feel right. Something was off. Because I live in New York, the sidewalks are busy. Yeah, I have a car, but traffic is worse than walking, so I walk when i'm going to places close. The grocery store is only 4 blocks away. I stepped off the the side of a sidewalk next to my favorite coffee shop. As I looked behind me, I saw this creepy man step off to the side as well. I thought that was awkward but continued walking. I still didn't feel right, so I stepped to the side again. The same creepy man stepped to the side too. I remember that i'm not weak, and I took self defense classes last year, so I can defend myself if needed. I continued walking. Suddenly I felt a presence right behind me.

"Hey lil ma-"

I cut him off. I grabbed his arm, squeezed and twisted. Then threw him over my body.

"Watch out! Creepy man coming through!" I shouted.

"Let me find you again I promise you'll be six feet under." I exclaimed with rage throughout my body.

I got up and continued to the store. Everyone stopped and stared.

"What the matter with people. Have they never seen someone get body slammed before. Jeez."

Eventually I got to the store. It was my favorite place to shop at for groceries. Macy's Market was my moms favorite place to shop back in Michigan, so it reminds me of her.

I reached isle 17, the baking isle. The second I looked down that isle, there was only one person standing there. Julianna.

I tried keeping my cool just in case her boyfriend Josh was there. I walked over to her. Squeezing her so tightly I said.

"Julianna i've missed you so much. How are you? Is Josh hurting you again?"

Julianna just looked at me. I could see the pain in her eyes. If their was one thing I hate more than creepy stalkers or bitch ass boyfriends, it's seeing my best friend in pain.

"I swear to fucking god if he's hurting you again I will kill him. I'm not in a mood today"

"Christine, you realize if you try and touch him you'll go to jail. Did you forget that he's the governors son? I know what i'm doing. I'll only have to be hurting for a little while longer. I love you."

She sounded like she was going to do something bad. I couldn't just stand here and watch her walk away from me. I knew i had to do something.

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