Waking up alone and somewhere cold

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Silver: huh * wakes somewhere other then the bus* hello!!!!!

Wolf: * wakes up and silver is gone and there's a note*
Note: if you ever want to see your beautiful silver unhurt I want over 5 million dollars by 6:30 pm tonight if not she dies

Charlie: - wakes up to wolf grabbing my gun and running around pissed and worried- wolf what's going on where is silver

Wolf: - stops and falls to the ground crying- someone took her and if I don't give them over 5 million dollars tonight by 6:30 they are going to kill her Charlie please help me I can't lose her she's my everything

Charlie:- gets pissed and grabs wolf showing he's in love with silver: you let her get kidnapped you son of a bitch why didn't you watch her closer why didn't you protect her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Silver: let me go now stop leave me alone no!!!!- struggles to get away from the man carrying her to a bed to rape her

Man: no now shut up or I'll stick something way bigger in you instead!!!!

Silver:- cry's and wishes she was in wolfs arms actually not knowing if she could trust wolf since last time she was with him was before she woke up wishes she was in Charlie's arms-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2015 ⏰

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