Chapter 13

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SATURDAY EVENING AT SIX, UMA pulled on a dark gray dress that showed off her soccer-toned legs, slipped into her favorite red ballet flats, and did a full 360 in front of her mirror so that her long teal hair fluttered. She wasn't the type to dress up, but tonight called for it. She looked perfect. She hoped she was dressed appropriately for wherever they were going, but Harry wasn't saying a word—which, Uma had to admit, was part of the fun.

Uma loved surprises, which Harry just seemed to know; she couldn't remember ever telling him. She also couldn't remember Gil ever surprising her with anything, except for the soccer-turf necklace he'd given her right before they broke up. And it had been such an awkward surprise: He'd given it to her right in front of their families, and it had come in this velvet ring box, so it had looked like he was proposing.

Uma quickly touched up her lip gloss and was about to head downstairs when her cell phone chirped in her cross-body purse. It was probably Harry, calling to tease her with a clue about tonight's date. He'd done so "all day, though he'd only said things like you'll scream when I tell you" . . . which could mean anything. Did he mean scream literally—like it would be scary but also romantic? Maybe he planned a candlelit whale-watching cruise on the Pacific—Uma had a love-hate relationship with whales. Or maybe he wanted to do a horror-movie marathon under the stars—she'd huddle next to him all night. "Hey," she giggled into the phone, without looking at the caller ID.

"Where are you?"

"Aria?" Why was Aria calling her?

"Uh, we're waiting for you," came Aria's clipped reply. Then she snorted. "Oh my god, you totally forgot. She forgot," Uma heard her call into the background, followed by a series of groans.

"Forgot what?" Uma asked.

Aria sighed, as if she'd been expecting this. "The new recruit initiation is tonight, Uma. It's always the Saturday after tryouts. Didn't Coach Leah tell you on the phone?"

Uma flushed hot, then cold, panicking. Had Coach Leah mentioned it? She'd been so excited she hadn't really listened to the coach's spiel. But Uma had been a member of the team for almost four years. She knew the drill.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, ready to tell Aria she had plans. But the words died in her mouth. This was the most important bonding event for the soccer team, and she'd be a shitty captain if she didn't go. She had no choice—she had to be there. She would just have to reschedule with Harry. He would understand.

She told Aria she'd be there in twenty, then immediately dialed Harry's number. He answered on the first ring. "I'm on my way now, Miss Impatient." There was laughter in his voice. "You getting excited to see what awaits you tonight?"

"Actually, I have really bad news," Uma blurted. She had already stripped off her dress, thrown on jeans and a tee, and was heading to the front door. "Soccer initiations are tonight—I totally spaced. But I promise I'll make it up to you, okay? Tell you what—I'll cook dinner for you tomorrow night. Anything you want. Even chicken tikka masala." Uma made a mean chicken tikka masala—her mom had taught her—and Harry had been complaining that he hadn't gotten to try it yet.

But there was silence on the line. Uma swung into her car and looked at her phone, wondering if they'd been cut off. The timer was still going. "Harry?" she asked tentatively. "You there?"

"You're kidding, right?" His voice was small and kind of cold.

She jammed the key in the ignition. "I'm really, really sorry. It's this thing we do every year with the new players. A welcome tradition. I forgot, and since I'm captain, it's my responsibility to run it. I really have to be there."

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