Head boy Head girl

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Hermione POV~

The sun was especially bright this morning and she did not want to wake up. *tap* *tap* she turned over onto her right side to get a better view of the sun filled window. It was a beautiful black owl with white spotted patches on its face. In the owlets mouth was a neatly rolled up piece of parchment with a auburn ribbon tied around it. She got out of her bed and walked over to the window. But when she stood up it felt like someone just span the world upside down. She felt like she was going to throw up it was that bad. This feeling wasn't ever new to her, in fact it was a daily occurrence at this point. She had a hang over from the night before. Ah right last night. Her encounter with Malfoy. Merlin she hated him. But enough about that. The owl started to get angry and let out a hefty screech and flapped it's wings. "I'm coming you..." her protest died in her mouth when she got up to the window and snatched the scroll from the owl watching it fly away.

It was a letter from the headmistress McGonagall. She started to get nervous. What did the headmistress want? What if she caught me drinking. I panicked. I never read a letter so fast in my life.

Dear ms Granger,
It is to my acknowledgment that you was not granted with the gift of being the head girl last year according to unfortunate situations. But I write with good intentions to inform you that you will be the next Head Girl Of Gryffindor.
Please stop by my office after the breakfast-feast this morning to talk and for you to receive your new badge.
-Headmistress McGonagall

I froze. Oh Merlin kill me now, I thought. I can't be head girl. Who would be head boy then? She got off her bed and checked the time. 7:30. SHIT! She was late, breakfast was nearly almost done.

She jumped in the shower quickly and then raced to get dressed. She rushed to get her bags and then made a run for the great hall.


Draco POV~

Head boy. Really? Why me? Was this just some charity project for Hogwarts? Oh yeah make the ex death eater head boy! I rolled my eyes, and picked at my eggs on my plate. Granger wasn't at breakfast yet. Not that I was watching out for her just curious is all. She was always early for everything. Instead of eating he took a sip of his black coffee and stood up and grabbed his bag. "Hey! Mate where you going?" Theo shouted. his mouth half filled with bacon and eggs. " To class, wanted to get there early, catch up when your done stuffing your face" I said with a scowl.

I headed towards professor McGonagall's office.

I knocked on the door and heard her say come in so I did. Inside smelled of lavender and tea. Inside was professor McGonagall in her chair with a tea set on her desk. She patted her wand on one of the chairs in front of her desk, indicating for me to take a seat, which is what I did.

You better hurry up Golden Girl.


Hermione POV~

I bursted into McGonagall's office already seeing Malfoy in one of the chairs, one leg half crossed over the other leg with a teacup in front of him. I quickly muttered an apology and fixed my hair and skirt and then with hesitation sat in the chair next to Malfoy.

" Ah Ms granger thank you for joining us." She said.

" ok let's get to the point then shall we? I know both of you are probably wondering why I chose you two this spot, well in all good time both of you will understand just as I do."

My emotions were everywhere at that point. Malfoy!? Really? She chose Malfoy for head boy? But for Malfoy he seemed so calm about the whole situation which made me even angrier.

She handed us our badges and gave us the code to our common room and said we could go.


" I can't believe this." I whispered under my breath while walking out of her office with Malfoy behind.  " How are you so calm about this Malfoy?"

"Clam? Granger I'm fucking fuming. Do you honestly think I want to share a dorm with you for a year? Because if you do I think we should rephrase " smartest witch of your year" phrase" he said with one of his famous smirks.

I rolled my eyes and started off to our new dorm room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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